Soo ..我正在爲我的C++類寫一個五角大樓項目,說實話,我現在並沒有因爲工作和其他課程而做得很好。所以......我們需要製作一個五角大樓程序,該程序將具有五角大樓課程和菜單課程。我管理工作菜單類,但我不知道如何與五角大樓類。無論如何,我目前需要的是 - 用平方根做出正確的方程。C++中的五角大樓項目
A = S^2的sqrt(25 + 10的sqrt(5))/(過)4
// ==================
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
// ==================
// ================
// Class Inclusions
// ================
#include "MenuClass.h"
#include "Math.h"
// ================
// ====================
using namespace std;
// ====================
// ============
// Constructors
// ============
// ===================
// Default Constructor
// ====================
Menu::Menu(void) {
userMenuSelection = Quit;
} // Constructor Menu
// =====================
Menu::~Menu(void) {
cout << "====================================" << endl;
} // Destructor ~Menu
// =====================
// ==============================
// Accessor Member-Function Get()
// ==========================
MenuChoices Menu::Get() {
return userMenuSelection;
} // Accessor Method Get
// ========================
// =============================
// Mutator Member-Function Set()
// ========================================
void Menu::Set(MenuChoices newValue) {
userMenuSelection = newValue;
} // Mutator Method Set
// =======================
// ==========================
// Member-Function Display()
// ==========================
void Menu::Display() {
cout << "======================================" << endl;
cout << " MENU SELECTION " << endl;
cout << "======================================" << endl;
cout << "1: Calculate the Perimeter of Pentagon" << endl;
cout << "2: Calculate the Area of Pentagon" << endl;
cout << "3: Quit" << endl;
cout << "======================================" << endl;
cout << endl;
} // Member-Function Display
// ============================
// =========================
// Member-Function QueryUser
// =========================
void Menu::QueryUser() {
int selection;
cout << "Enter Menu Selection: ";
cin >> selection;
switch (selection){
case 1: userMenuSelection = Perimeter;
case 2: userMenuSelection = Area;
case 3: userMenuSelection = Quit;
default: userMenuSelection = Quit;
} // switch
// ===========
cout << endl;
} // Method QueryUser()
// =======================
// =================
// Method Continue()
// ========================
bool Menu::Continue() {
return userMenuSelection != Quit;
} // Method Continue
// ====================
// ==============================
// Member-Function ProcessCommand
// ==============================
void Menu::ProcessCommand() {
int numberA; // Length of Sides
int numberB; // Area
if (userMenuSelection == Quit){
cout << "Thank you for using this type of program. Have a nice day!" << endl;
else if (userMenuSelection != Quit) {
cout << "Please enter an integer value for the length of the sides: ";
cin >> numberA;
// ==============================
switch (userMenuSelection) {
case Perimeter:
cout << "Perimeter = " << (5 * numberA) << endl;
case Area:
// Equation of Area:
// s^2*sqrt(25+10(sqrt(5)))/4
// 10*sqrt(5) = 22.36067977
double area;
area = sqrt(numberA(1+1));
return area;
///cout << "Area = " << ((numberA*numberA) * (5 + 22.36067977))/4 << endl;
//int param;
//int result;
//param = 1;
//cout << result = sqrt (param) << endl;
default: cout << "Warning: error state encountered." << endl;
cout << endl;
// ========================
這個問題聽起來像是你在爲美國政府工作。 –
@GiulioFranco Lol。好的。 – papi
在我看來,如果你在做五角大樓項目,你應該使用Ada。 –