2015-07-02 13 views


#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <vector> 

/* DSYEV prototype */ 
extern "C"{ 
void dsyev(char* jobz, char* uplo, int* n, double* a, int* lda, 
       double* w, double* work, int* lwork, int* info); 
/* Auxiliary routines prototypes */ 
extern "C"{ 
void print_matrix(char* desc, int m, int n, double* a, int lda); 
/* Parameters */ 
#define N 5 
#define LDA N 

/* Main program */ 
int main() { 
     /* Locals */ 
     int n = N, lda = LDA, info, lwork; 
     double wkopt; 
     double* work; 
     /* Local arrays */ 
     double w[N]; 
     double a[LDA*N] = { 
      1.96, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 
      -6.49, 3.80, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 
      -0.47, -6.39, 4.17, 0.00, 0.00, 
      -7.20, 1.50, -1.51, 5.70, 0.00, 
      -0.65, -6.34, 2.67, 1.80, -7.10 
     /* Executable statements */ 
     printf(" DSYEV Example Program Results\n"); 
     /* Query and allocate the optimal workspace */ 
     lwork = -1; 
     dsyev("Vectors", "Upper", &n, a, &lda, w, &wkopt, &lwork, &info); 
     lwork = (int)wkopt; 
     work = (double*)malloc(lwork*sizeof(double)); 
     /* Solve eigenproblem */ 
     dsyev("Vectors", "Upper", &n, a, &lda, w, work, &lwork, &info); 
     /* Check for convergence */ 
     if(info > 0) { 
       printf("The algorithm failed to compute eigenvalues.\n"); 
     /* Print eigenvalues */ 
     print_matrix("Eigenvalues", 1, n, w, 1); 
     /* Print eigenvectors */ 
     print_matrix("Eigenvectors (stored columnwise)", n, n, a, lda); 
     /* Free workspace */ 
} /* End of DSYEV Example */ 

/* Auxiliary routine: printing a matrix */ 
void print_matrix(char* desc, int m, int n, double* a, int lda) { 
     int i, j; 
     printf("\n %s\n", desc); 
     for(i = 0; i < m; i++) { 
       for(j = 0; j < n; j++) printf(" %6.2f", a[i+j*lda]); 


1.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
-6.49 3.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 
-0.47 -6.39 4.17 0.00 0.00 
-7.20 1.50 -1.51 5.70 0.00 
-0.65 -6.34 2.67 1.80 -7.10 


#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <vector> 

int read_covariance (std::vector<double> data) 
    double tmp; 

    std::ifstream fin("peano_covariance.data"); 

    while(fin >> tmp) 

    return 0; 

/* DSYEV prototype */ 
extern "C"{ 
void dsyev(char* jobz, char* uplo, int* n, double* a, int* lda, 
       double* w, double* work, int* lwork, int* info); 
/* Auxiliary routines prototypes */ 
extern "C"{ 
void print_matrix(char* desc, int m, int n, double* a, int lda); 
/* Parameters */ 
#define N 5 
#define LDA N 

/* Main program */ 
int main() { 
     /* Locals */ 
     std::vector<double> data; 
     int n = N, lda = LDA, info, lwork; 
     double wkopt; 
     double* work; 
     /* Local arrays */ 
     double w[N]; 
     double a[LDA*N]; 

     std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), a); 
     /* Executable statements */ 
     printf(" DSYEV Example Program Results\n"); 
     /* Query and allocate the optimal workspace */ 
     lwork = -1; 
     dsyev("Vectors", "Upper", &n, a, &lda, w, &wkopt, &lwork, &info); 
     lwork = (int)wkopt; 
     work = (double*)malloc(lwork*sizeof(double)); 
     /* Solve eigenproblem */ 
     dsyev("Vectors", "Upper", &n, a, &lda, w, work, &lwork, &info); 
     /* Check for convergence */ 
     if(info > 0) { 
       printf("The algorithm failed to compute eigenvalues.\n"); 
     /* Print eigenvalues */ 
     print_matrix("Eigenvalues", 1, n, w, 1); 
     /* Print eigenvectors */ 
     print_matrix("Eigenvectors (stored columnwise)", n, n, a, lda); 
     /* Free workspace */ 
} /* End of DSYEV Example */ 

/* Auxiliary routine: printing a matrix */ 
void print_matrix(char* desc, int m, int n, double* a, int lda) { 
     int i, j; 
     printf("\n %s\n", desc); 
     for(i = 0; i < m; i++) { 
       for(j = 0; j < n; j++) printf(" %e", a[i+j*lda]); 

首先,您已經定義了read_covariance但尚未調用它。其次,即使您調用它,現在它正在將數據讀取到本地變量中,該變量在函數結束時被丟棄。 – bg2b


@ bg2b非常感謝!這是尷尬。我想我糾正了這兩個錯誤,但輸出仍然是一樣的。你能看看嗎? – Ludi




int read_covariance (std::vector<double> data) 

int read_covariance (std::vector<double> & data) 



int read_covariance (const std::string & fname) 
    std::ifstream in(fname.c_str()); 
    double val; 
    std::vector<double> cov; 
    while(in >> val) cov.push_back(val); 
    return cov; 

更妙的是使用合適的多維數組庫,而不是笨重的一維向量。有很多這樣的庫可用,我不確定哪一個是最好的(在C++標準庫中缺少一個好的多維數組類是我常常使用fortran的主要原因之一),但是ndarray的外觀有趣的 - 它旨在模仿Python的優秀numpy陣列模塊的功能。
