2015-10-05 89 views


In file included from ./vpi.cpp:1: 
./vpi.h:4:10: fatal error: 'vpi_user.h' file not found 
#include "vpi_user.h" 
1 error generated. 


BigKiss:chisel mykland$ sbt run 
[info] Set current project to chisel (in build file:/Users/mykland/work/chisel/) 
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/mykland/work/chisel/target/scala-2.10/classes... 
[warn] there were 38 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details 
[warn] one warning found 
[info] Running mainStub 
[info] [0.056] // COMPILING < (class lut3to1_1)>(0) 
[info] [0.078] giving names 
[info] [0.088] executing custom transforms 
[info] [0.089] adding clocks and resets 
[info] [0.093] inferring widths 
[info] [0.108] checking widths 
[info] [0.110] lowering complex nodes to primitives 
[info] [0.113] removing type nodes 
[info] [0.117] compiling 84 nodes 
[info] [0.117] computing memory ports 
[info] [0.117] resolving nodes to the components 
[info] [0.133] creating clock domains 
[info] [0.134] pruning unconnected IOs 
[info] [0.136] checking for combinational loops 
[info] [0.149] COMPILING <lut3to1_1 (class lut3to1_1)> 0 CHILDREN (0,0) 
In file included from ./vpi.cpp:1: 
./vpi.h:4:10: fatal error: 'vpi_user.h' file not found 
#include "vpi_user.h" 
1 error generated. 
[info] [0.666] g++ -c -o ./vpi.o -I$VCS_HOME/include -I./ -fPIC -std=c++11 ./vpi.cpp RET 1 
[error] lut3to1_1.scala:58: failed to compile vpi.cpp in class mainStub$ 
Re-running Chisel in debug mode to obtain erroneous line numbers... 
[info] [0.030] // COMPILING < (class lut3to1_1)>(0) 
[info] [0.035] giving names 
[info] [0.037] executing custom transforms 
[info] [0.037] adding clocks and resets 
[info] [0.038] inferring widths 
[info] [0.045] checking widths 
[info] [0.046] lowering complex nodes to primitives 
[info] [0.047] removing type nodes 
[info] [0.049] compiling 84 nodes 
[info] [0.049] computing memory ports 
[info] [0.049] resolving nodes to the components 
[info] [0.055] creating clock domains 
[info] [0.055] pruning unconnected IOs 
[info] [0.056] checking for combinational loops 
[info] [0.060] COMPILING <lut3to1_1 (class lut3to1_1)> 0 CHILDREN (0,0) 
In file included from ./vpi.cpp:1: 
./vpi.h:4:10: fatal error: 'vpi_user.h' file not found 
#include "vpi_user.h" 
1 error generated. 
[info] [0.535] g++ -c -o ./vpi.o -I$VCS_HOME/include -I./ -fPIC -std=c++11 ./vpi.cpp RET 1 
[error] lut3to1_1.scala:58: failed to compile vpi.cpp in class mainStub$ 
[error] (run-main-0) Chisel.ChiselException: failed to compile vpi.cpp 
Chisel.ChiselException: failed to compile vpi.cpp 
at mainStub$.main(lut3to1_1.scala:58) 
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last compile:run for the full output. 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Nonzero exit code: 1 
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27) 
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last compile:run for the full output. 
[error] (compile:run) Nonzero exit code: 1 
[error] Total time: 9 s, completed Oct 4, 2015 6:33:30 PM 
BigKiss:chisel mykland$ 


import Chisel._ 

class lut3to1_1 extends Module 
    val io = new Bundle 
     val config = UInt(INPUT, 8) 
     val a  = Bool(INPUT) 
     val b  = Bool(INPUT) 
     val c  = Bool(INPUT) 
     val out  = Bool(OUTPUT) 
    io.out := (io.config(0) & !io.a & !io.b & !io.c) | 
       (io.config(1) & io.a & !io.b & !io.c) | 
       (io.config(2) & !io.a & io.b & !io.c) | 
       (io.config(3) & io.a & io.b & !io.c) | 
       (io.config(4) & !io.a & !io.b & io.c) | 
       (io.config(5) & io.a & !io.b & io.c) | 
       (io.config(6) & !io.a & io.b & io.c) | 
       (io.config(7) & io.a & io.b & io.c) 

class lut3to1_1_Tests(c: lut3to1_1) extends Tester(c) 
    for (config <- 0 to 255) 
     poke(c.io.config, config) 
     for (bits <- 0 to 7) 
      val bitA = bits & 1 
      val bitB = (bits >> 1) & 1 
      val bitC = (bits >> 2) & 1 
      poke(c.io.a, bitA) 
      poke(c.io.b, bitB) 
      poke(c.io.c, bitC) 
      val result0 = ~bitA & ~bitB & ~bitC & (config & 1) 
      val result1 = bitA & ~bitB & ~bitC & ((config >> 1) & 1) 
      val result2 = ~bitA & bitB & ~bitC & ((config >> 2) & 1) 
      val result3 = bitA & bitB & ~bitC & ((config >> 3) & 1) 
      val result4 = ~bitA & ~bitB & bitC & ((config >> 4) & 1) 
      val result5 = bitA & ~bitB & bitC & ((config >> 5) & 1) 
      val result6 = ~bitA & bitB & bitC & ((config >> 6) & 1) 
      val result7 = bitA & bitB & bitC & ((config >> 7) & 1) 
      val result = result0 | result1 | result2 | result3 | 
          result4 | result5 | result6 | result7 
      expect(c.io.out, result) 

object mainStub 
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = 
     chiselMainTest(Array[String]("--backend", "c", "--backend", "v", 
       "--compile", "--test", "--genHarness"),() => Module(new lut3to1_1())) 
      c => new lut3to1_1_Tests(c) 



的想念g頭文件(vpi_user.h)與Verilog仿真器VPI支持相關,這是Chisel用來將您的Tester連接到Verilog仿真器的機制。當前版本的鑿子只支持Synopsys VCS作爲Verilog仿真工具。 Icarus Verilog(iverilog)版本10.0+,Verilator,Modelsim和Questasim在我的岔路口(可用here)中提供實驗支持。不幸的是,我沒有時間徹底測試這些更改並向主存儲庫發出拉取請求,但是您可以嘗試一下,看看它是否適用於您。


感謝您的回覆!如果鑿子支持一個開源的Verilog模擬器,那就太好了,所以感謝你在這方面的工作。如果缺乏一個可識別的Verilog仿真器導致出現警告而不是出現錯誤,那也是一件好事。就目前而言,我必須將Verilog位註釋掉以測試我的C++模型,然後將其註釋回來以獲取Verilog(以及錯誤)。 – Mykland




object mainStub 
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = 
     chiselMainTest(Array[String]("--backend", "c", 
       "--compile", "--test", "--genHarness"),() => Module(new lut3to1_1())) 
      c => new lut3to1_1_Tests(c) 
     chiselMain(args,() => Module(new lut3to1_1())) 


你會得到一個名爲synthetizable Verilog檔案lut3to1_1.v