2011-06-27 38 views

我已經在早期的Perl項目中使用過GDBM和Berkeley DB/DB_File,但是我應該將它們用於新項目嗎?不同的Perl DBM實現有哪些優缺點?Perl DBM實現的優缺點? (GDBM,Berkeley DB等)

(相關:是否像DBM ::深或KyotoCabinet工具太慢/重相比傳統的數據庫管理系統,當你需要的是二進制/文本數據的透明哈希)




      odbm ndbm sdbm gdbm bsd-db 
         ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ 
Linkage comes w/ perl yes  yes  yes  yes  yes 
Src comes w/ perl  no  no  yes  no  no 
Comes w/ many unix os yes  yes[0] no  no  no 
Builds ok on !unix  ?  ?  yes  yes  ? 
Code Size    ?  ?  small big  big 
Database Size   ?  ?  small big? ok[1] 
Speed     ?  ?  slow ok  fast 
FTPable     no  no  yes  yes  yes 
Easy to build   N/A  N/A  yes  yes  ok[2] 
Size limits    1k  4k  1k[3] none none 
Byte-order independent no  no  no  no  yes 
Licensing restrictions ?  ?  no  yes  no 

[0] on mixed universe machines, may be in the bsd compat library, which 
    is often shunned. 
[1] Can be trimmed if you compile for one access method. 
[2] See DB_File. Requires symbolic links. 
[3] By default, but can be redefined. 

省略了'BerkeleyDB'模塊,它具有一定的優勢;它所命名的「bsd-db」是'DB_File'模塊,它是一個更簡單的接口。 – tchrist


另外[CDB](http://search.cpan.org/search?query=cdb) – daxim