2012-12-03 69 views




// condition = Less Than; More Than; Between 
// noofweeks = this is the number of weeks chosen by the user 

function fmsSupplements($condition, $conditionWeeks, $noofweeks, $weekno, $weekStartno,  $weekEndno, $basicprice, $supplementAmnt, $supplementType) { 

if ($condition== "Between") { 
// I need to get the start and end values as the data in this parameter should look like 1-17 
$betweenArray = explode('-',$conditionWeeks); 
$startWeek = $betweenArray[0]; 
$endWeek = $betweenArray[1]; 

if(($condition == "Less Than") && ($noofweeks < $conditionWeeks) && ($supplementType == 'Subtract') && ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno)) { return $basicprice - $supplementAmnt; } 

elseif(($condition == "Less Than") && ($noofweeks < $conditionWeeks) && ($supplementType == 'Add') && ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno)) { return $basicprice + $supplementAmnt; } 

elseif(($condition == "More Than") && ($noofweeks > $conditionWeeks) && ($supplementType == 'Subtract') && ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno)) { return $basicprice - $supplementAmnt; } 

elseif(($condition == "More Than") && ($noofweeks > $conditionWeeks) && ($supplementType == 'Add') && ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno)) { return $basicprice + $supplementAmnt; }  

elseif(($condition == "Between") && ($noofweeks >= $startWeek && $noofweeks <= $endWeek) && ($supplementType == 'Add') && ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno)) { return $basicprice + $supplementAmnt; } 

elseif(($condition == "Between") && ($noofweeks >= $startWeek && $noofweeks <= $endWeek) && ($supplementType == 'Substract') && ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno)) { return $basicprice - $supplementAmnt; } 

//if no conditions match, just return the unaltered basic price back 

else { return $basicprice ;} 

;} ?> 

您也可以在http://codereview.stackexchange.com/尋求這方面的幫助 – Niko





  1. ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno)是所有 條件的一部分,所以它是在外部如果。
  2. 如果使用或 (||),將與給定條件字符串匹配的三個變化條件 放入1中。
  3. 內在如果也單數。 Add導致 增加。 Subtract在減法。



// condition = Less Than; More Than; Between 
// noofweeks = this is the number of weeks chosen by the user 

function fmsSupplements($condition, $conditionWeeks, $noofweeks, $weekno, $weekStartno, $weekEndno, $basicprice, $supplementAmnt, $supplementType) { 
    if ($condition == "Between") { 
    // I need to get the start and end values as the data in this parameter should look like 1-17 
    $betweenArray = explode('-',$conditionWeeks); 
    $startWeek = $betweenArray[0]; 
    $endWeek = $betweenArray[1]; 

    if ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno) 
    if (($condition == 'Less Than' && $noofweeks < $conditionWeeks) || 
     ($condition == 'More Than' && $noofweeks > $conditionWeeks) || 
     ($condition == 'Between' && $noofweeks >= $startWeek && $noofweeks <= $endWeek)) 
     // You can use a 'switch' as well, instead of if...elseif. 
     if ($supplementType == 'Subtract') { 
     return $basicprice - $supplementAmnt; 
     } elseif ($supplementType == 'Add' { 
     return $basicprice + $supplementAmnt; 
    return $basicprice; 
} ?> 

在不同的設置中,我把中間結果在單獨的變量,我認爲 使得它更具有可讀性。我在這裏加了一點更多的評論,解釋了決定:

function fmsSupplements($condition, $conditionWeeks, $noofweeks, $weekno, $weekStartno, $weekEndno, $basicprice, $supplementAmnt, $supplementType) { 

    // Create two 'helper' booleans to make the if condition easier. 
    $weekInRange = ($weekno >= $weekStartno && $weekno <= $weekEndno); 
    $noOfWeeksInRange = 
     ($condition == 'Less Than' && $noofweeks < $conditionWeeks) || 
     ($condition == 'More Than' && $noofweeks > $conditionWeeks); 

    // Alternatively, you can break the single line above up in multiple 
    // lines, which makes debugging easier: 
    //$noOfWeeksInRange = ($condition == 'Less Than' && $noofweeks < $conditionWeeks); 
    //$noOfWeeksInRange |= ($condition == 'More Than' && $noofweeks > $conditionWeeks); 

    if ($condition == "Between") { 
    // I need to get the start and end values as the data in this parameter should look like 1-17 
    $betweenArray = explode('-',$conditionWeeks); 
    $startWeek = $betweenArray[0]; 
    $endWeek = $betweenArray[1]; 
    // Overwrite this variable with the condition that goes with 'Between'. 
    // We're already in that if, so we don't need to check 'Condition' again.. 
    // You could use betweenArray[0] and [1] in the condition below, but using 
    // the variables $startWeek and $endWeek does make it more readable. 
    $noOfWeeksInRange = ($noofweeks >= $startWeek && $noofweeks <= $endWeek); 

    // And not this 'if' is even more readable. 
    if ($weeksInRange && $noOfWeeksInRange) 
     // You can use a 'switch' as well, instead of if...elseif. 
     if ($supplementType == 'Subtract') { 
     return $basicprice - $supplementAmnt; 
     } elseif ($supplementType == 'Add' { 
     return $basicprice + $supplementAmnt; 
    return $basicprice; 
} ?> 

你也可以使用三元運營商削減更多碼。 'return($ supplementType =='Subtract')? $ basicprice - $ supplementAmnt:$ basicprice + $ supplementAmnt;' – bozdoz


@bozdoz你可以,但我沒有試圖減少代碼,我試圖使它更易讀,這不一定是相同的。此外,你有效地寫了一個'if..else',而不是'if..elseif'。如果你傳遞既不是'Add'也不'Subtract'的$ supplementType?本身並不是一個壞建議,但是如果你想重構這樣的代碼,一般來說你必須小心不要改變功能。 – GolezTrol


增加了第二種可能性。 B.t.w.我沒有提到的是,如果你保持簡短的代碼,代碼變得更加可讀。允許自己在語句中添加換行符,或者分解條件,但首先將其中的一部分放入中間變量中。我沒有碰到函數頭,但我通常也會打破這個。經驗法則:每行最多100個字符(以前是80,但這是舊的)。 – GolezTrol