2014-01-15 65 views



public class Movie { 

    String[] Director; 
    String[] Name; 
    String[] realeaseDate; 
    String[] lastShow; 

    public Movie() 
     String[] Director={"George Romero","Woody Allen","Steven Speilberg","James Cameron"}; 
     String[] Name={"Diary of the Dead","Midnight in Paris","War of the Worlds","Terminator 2 - Judgment Day"}; 
     String[] realeaseDate={"Dec 31 1999","Dec 28 1999","Dec 15 1999","Dec 10 1999"}; 
     String[] lastShow={"Jan 13 2000","Jan 29 2000","Jan 23 2000","Jan 15 2000"}; 


    public String getDirector() 
     return Director; 

    public String getName() 
     return Name; 

    public String getRealease() 
     return realeaseDate; 

    public String getLast() 
     return lastShow; 



public class Main { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // TODO Auto-generated method stub 

     String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); 
     Movie movies = new Movie(); 

     System.out.println("Avaliable movies"+newLine); 

     System.out.println("Director: "+ movies.getDirector()+newLine+"Name :"+ movies.getName()+ newLine + "Realease Date: "+ movies.getRealease()+newLine+"Last Show :"+ movies.getLast()+newLine); 





George ... 日記... dec .. januar ...

史蒂芬.. sdafsda ... 月... 一月..

。 。 。


你在你的構造函數中隱藏你的字段。同時檢查你的退貨類型。另外,請檢查如何打印數組的內容。另外,看看封裝。 –


換句話說,將'String [] Director = {「George Romero」,「Woody ...'改爲'Director = {」George Romero「,」Woody ...' – aliteralmind


也值得注意的是,你已經定義了一個'String [] Director',但是你的方法'getDirector()'返回一個'String'。 –




public class Movie { 

    String Director; 
    String Name; 
    String releaseDate; 
    String lastShow; 

    public Movie(String director, String name, String release, String lastShow) 
     this.Director = director; 
     this.Name = name; 
     this.releaseDate = release; 
     this.lastShow = lastShow; 

    public String getDirector() 
     return Director; 

    public String getName() 
     return Name; 

    public String getRelease() 
     return releaseDate; 

    public String getLast() 
     return lastShow; 



public class Main { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // TODO Auto-generated method stub 

     String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); 
     Movie firstMovie= new Movie("George Romero","Diary of the Dead", "Dec 31 1999","Jan 13 2000"); 
     Movie secondMovie = new Movie("test", "name", "date", "date"); 
     ArrayList<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>(); 
     //add movies to list 

     System.out.println("Avaliable movies"+newLine); 

     //loop through each movie in movies 

     //print information about each movie 





這是迄今唯一正確的答案。顯然OP是困惑OOP – Cruncher


@Cruncher我同意,刪除答案。 – bblincoe


@ kevin94,你應該接受這個答案。 (永遠不會太遲。) – jimhark