leafletDirective = angular.module("leaflet-directive", [])
leafletDirective.directive "leaflet", ($http, $log) ->
restrict: "E"
replace: true
transclude: true
template: "<div id=\"map\"></div>"
origin: "=origin"
points: "=points"
shape: "=shape"
clearmarkers: "=clearmarkers"
markers: "=markers"
link: (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) ->
scope.origin = [40.094882122321145, -3.8232421874999996]
scope.points = []
scope.shape = []
#create a CloudMade tile layer and add it to the map
@map = L.map(attrs.id,
center: scope.origin
zoom: 5
maxZoom: 18
).addTo @map
#add markers dynamically
updateMarkers = (pts) =>
console.log "loading markers"
scope.markers = []
for p of pts
lat = pts[p].lat
lng = pts[p].lng
latLng = new L.LatLng(lat,lng)
marker = new L.marker(latLng).addTo(@map)
return scope.markers
#/// Add Polygon
updateShape = (points) ->
console.log "loading shape"
#///Watch for point changes///##
scope.$watch attrs.points,((value) ->
updateMarkers value
), true
#//Watch For Shape Changes///###
scope.$watch attrs.shape,((value) ->
updateShape value
), true
#///Watch for point changes///##
scope.$watch attrs.points,((value) ->
updateMarkers value
), true
#//Watch For Shape Changes///###
scope.$watch attrs.shape,((value) ->
updateShape value
), true
app = angular.module("WhereToMeet", ["leaflet-directive"])
@MapCtrl = ($scope) ->
$scope.clicked = ->
{lat: 1, lng: 2}, {lat: 40.094882122321145, lng: -3.8232421874999996}
$scope.clear = ->
$scope.makeShape = ->
$scope.shape = []
$scope.shape = ["1"]
我無法弄清楚,爲什麼它加載的頁面加載。數據不會改變。除非 - 它只是被創建將會這樣做 - 我需要解決這個問題。
我通常使用這一個了。但是,我發現如果用戶刪除所有內容(大概是刪除過濾),它可能會導致搜索/過濾框等問題。在這種情況下,由於'someVar'現在是一個空白字符串,並且「falsey」,所以不會發生任何操作。並不總是一個問題,但需要注意的地方。 – squid314 2014-03-03 15:58:43
好點!謝謝。爲了過濾,我也看看oldVal。 – 2014-03-03 18:09:34