我真的用C新手,我想創建一個程序,讀取其中兩個是隻包含字符串輸入文件。我已經創建了它的相關文件的字符串。我已經處理了一些問題,但我無法弄清楚,那裏有一些分段錯誤。 (由-UA問)閱讀串
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct linked_list {
char my_data[256];
struct linked_list *next_it;
} node_t;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(argc != 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Requiring 2 input 1 output file name to start!\n");
FILE *my_s;
FILE *my_f;
// FILE *my_o;
bool mybool = true;
int my_ch; // our char to read
char my_buffer[256];
bool check_all = true;
node_t *set_a = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
node_t *set_b = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
my_f = fopen(argv[1], "r"); // first textfile to read
my_s = fopen(argv[2], "r"); // second textfile to read
if (my_f != NULL && my_s != NULL) {
while (fgetc(my_f) != EOF && mybool != false && check_all != false) {
my_ch = fgetc(my_f);
int i = 0;
while (my_ch >= 0) {
my_buffer[i++] = my_ch;
my_ch = fgetc(my_f);
strcpy(set_a->my_data, my_buffer);
if (feof(my_f)) {
mybool = false;
} else {
set_a->next_it = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
set_a = set_a->next_it;
mybool = false;
printf("First File Copy Done!\n");
while (fgetc(my_s) != EOF && mybool != true && check_all != false) {
my_ch = fgetc(my_s);
int i = 0;
while (my_ch >= 0) {
my_buffer[i++] = my_ch;
my_ch = fgetc(my_s);
strcpy(set_b->my_data, my_buffer);
if (feof(my_s)) {
check_all = false;
} else {
set_b->next_it = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
set_b = set_b->next_it;
printf("Second File Copy Done!\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read from %s and %s\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
while (set_a != NULL) {
int j = 0;
printf("No: %d, Var: %s",j++, set_a->my_data);
node_t *set_c = set_a;
set_a = set_a->next_it;
while (set_b != NULL) {
int j = 0;
printf("No: %d, Var: %s",j++, set_b->my_data);
node_t *set_c = set_b;
set_b = set_b->next_it;
return 0;
你的代碼沒有縮進。學習縮進代碼並使用空格使代碼可讀。研究我重新格式化的方式,並在鍵入時執行此操作,這將幫助您避免許多愚蠢的錯誤。 – chqrlie