// converter_temp1.cpp
// converter 3 temp. celsius, fahrenheit e kelvin
// entrar: temperatura, escala atual e pretendida
#include "stdafx.h"
int main()
double t, tempC, tempF, tempk;
std::string sa, sp, cel, fah, kel;
std::cout << "Enter with your temperature, actual and pretend scale, for celsius = cel, fahrenheit = fah and kelvin = kel" << std::endl;
std::cin >> t >> sa >> sp;
if (sa == cel && sp == fah) {
tempF = 32 + (9 * t)/5;
std::cout << ">>>> Temperature is " << tempF << " F in Fahrenheit!!!! <<<<" << std::endl;
}else {
if (sa == kel && sp == cel) {
tempC = t + 273;
std::cout << ">>>> Temperature is " << tempC << " C in Celsius!!!! <<<<" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << ">>>> Temperature scale wrong!!!! <<<<" << std::endl;
return 0;
該代碼的答案總是>>>>溫標錯誤! < < < <。 任何人都可以幫助我嗎?
您從不初始化您用於比較的字符串。你爲什麼期望有什麼不同? – user463035818
這不是問題,但不要使用'std :: endl',除非你需要額外的東西。 ''\ n''結束一行。 –