我想編寫一個程序來計算變化,但它似乎並沒有工作。 我認爲問題是欠1 /付1;當我試圖在那裏打印值時,我什麼也沒有(0)。 有什麼幫助嗎?C程序來計算變化
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
double owed, paid;
int dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, cents, remainder, owed1, paid1;
printf("how much did the customer have to pay ?\n");
printf("how much did the customer pay ?\n");
owed1 = owed * 100;
paid1 = paid * 100;
int change = paid1 - owed1;
dollars = change/100;
remainder = change % 100;
quarters = remainder/25;
remainder = remainder % 25;
dimes = remainder/10;
remainder = remainder % 10;
nickels = remainder/5;
remainder = remainder % 5;
cents = remainder;
printf("Dollars:%d, Quarters:%d, Dimes:%d, Nickels:%d, Cents:%d", dollars , quarters , dimes , nickels , cents);
return 0;
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