的成員我haee這一小段代碼中,我想創建一個struct員工。員工可以是經理或工人。我無法訪問工會成員。這裏是我的代碼C++ - 不能夠訪問一個聯盟
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Employee {
int id;
union Person {
struct Manager {
int level;
} manager;
struct Worker {
string department;
} worker;
} company[3];
int main() {
Employee one;
one.id = 101;
one.company[0].manager.level = 3;
Employee two;
two.id = 102;
two.company[1].worker.department = "Sales";
Employee three;
three.id = 103;
three.company[2].worker.department = "Marketing";
arraOfUnions.cc:13:5: error: member 'Employee::Person::Worker Employee::Person::worker' with constructor not allowed in union
arraOfUnions.cc:13:5: error: member 'Employee::Person::Worker Employee::Person::worker' with destructor not allowed in union
arraOfUnions.cc:13:5: error: member 'Employee::Person::Worker Employee::Person::worker' with copy assignment operator not allowed in union
arraOfUnions.cc:13:5: note: unrestricted unions only available with -std=c++0x or -std=gnu++0x
我不知道我在做什麼錯。請幫忙 謝謝SO
'的std :: string'不能在C++ 03的結合。在C++ 11 – Jarod42
無限制聯盟將需要'Person'構造。 – Jarod42
爲什麼不能串聯? –