Dim globalWrongExt As Boolean
Dim globalcontainsZip As Boolean
Dim globalTotalSize As Double
Sub sortingP8(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
'Check each attachment
globalTotalSize = 0
globalcontainsZip = False
globalWrongExt = False
Set ns = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set nonIngFolder = ns.Folders("[email protected]").Folders("Non-ingestible Items")
Set ingFolder = ns.Folders("[email protected]").Folders("Ingestible Items")
Set zipFolder = ns.Folders("[email protected]").Folders("ZIP files")
'Check extensions
extensionCheck Item
'Move email to the appropiate folder
If (globalWrongExt = True Or globalTotalSize > 10000000) Then
Item.Move nonIngFolder
ElseIf (globalcontainsZip = True) Then
Item.Move zipFolder
Item.Move ingFolder
End If
End Sub
Private Sub extensionCheck(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim olkAtt As Outlook.Attachment
'Check each attachment
For Each olkAtt In Item.Attachments
Dim extension As String
extension = Right(LCase(olkAtt.FileName), 4)
'If the attachment's file name ends with .zip
globalTotalSize = globalTotalSize + olkAtt.Size
If extension = ".msg" Then
extensionCheck olkAtt
ElseIf extension <> ".ppt" And extension <> ".doc" And extension <> ".pdf" And extension <> ".jpg" And extension <> ".zip" And extension <> ".docx" And extension <> ".pptx" And extension <> ".htm" And extension <> ".html" And extension <> ".gif" And extension <> ".tif" Then
globalWrongExt = True
ElseIf extension = ".zip" Then
globalcontainsZip = True
End If
End Sub
If extension = ".msg" Then
**extensionCheck olkAtt**
異常的輸出是什麼? –
剛運行時錯誤'13': 類型不匹配 – user3270648