2014-09-23 66 views

Outlook 2007中配置了兩個電子郵件帳戶:前景VBA選擇訊息

  • 帳號1:Hotmail的
  • 帳號2:Gmail的


  • 左鍵單擊hotmail或gmail帳戶中的某個。
  • 突出顯示先前選擇的文件夾內的所有消息。
  • 顯示從該文件夾




下面的宏被用來獲取有關帳戶&文件夾位置信息: http://www.gregthatcher.com/Scripts/VBA/Outlook/GetFolderInfo.aspx

  1. 的Hotmail
    • 名稱:AAAAA
    • FOLDERPATH :\ @ hotmail.com \ aaaaa


  • 的Gmail
    • 名稱:BBBBB
    • FOLDERPATH:\ @ gmail.com \ BBBBB

  • ' please add your values for Const emailAccount and Const folderToSelect 
    ' To begin, launch: start_macro 
    ' the macro will loop all folders and will check two things , folder name and account name, 
    ' when both are matched , will make that folder the active one , then will select all emails 
    ' from it and at final will issue number of selected items no other References are required 
    ' than default ones 
    Option Explicit 
    #If VBA7 Then 
        Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr) 'For 64 Bit Systems 
        Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 'For 32 Bit Systems 
    #End If 
    ' please provide proper values for email account and folder name 
    Const emailAccount = "[email protected]" 
    Const folderToSelect = "folder" 
    ' declare some public variables 
    Dim mySession As Outlook.NameSpace 
    Dim myExplorer As Outlook.Explorer 
    Dim mySelection As Outlook.Selection 
    Dim my_folder As Outlook.folder 
    Sub start_macro() 
        Dim some_folders As Outlook.Folders 
        Dim a_fld As Variant 
        Dim fld_10 As Outlook.folder 
        Set mySession = Application.Session 
        Set some_folders = mySession.Folders 
        For Each a_fld In some_folders 
         Set fld_10 = a_fld 
         Call loop_subfolders_2(fld_10) 
        Next a_fld 
    End Sub 
    Sub final_sub() 
        If Not (my_folder Is Nothing) Then 
         Set myExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer 
         Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = my_folder 
         Call select_all_items(my_folder) 
         MsgBox "There is no folder available for specified account !!!" 
        End If 
        End  'end the macro now 
    End Sub 
    Sub loop_subfolders_2(a_folder As Outlook.folder) 
        Dim col_folders As Outlook.Folders 
        Dim fld_1 As Outlook.folder 
        Dim arr_1 As Variant 
        Set col_folders = a_folder.Folders 
        For Each fld_1 In col_folders 
         If Left(fld_1.FolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then 
          arr_1 = Split(fld_1.FolderPath, "\") 
          'Debug.Print fld_1.Name & vbTab & arr_1(2) & vbTab & fld_1.FolderPath 
          If InStr(LCase(emailAccount), "@gmail.com") > 0 Then 
           If LCase(folderToSelect) = LCase(fld_1.Name) Then 
            If LCase(emailAccount) = LCase(arr_1(2)) Or arr_1(2) = "Personal Folders" Then 
             Set my_folder = fld_1 
             Call final_sub 
             Call loop_subfolders_2(fld_1) 
            End If 
            Call loop_subfolders_2(fld_1) 
           End If 
           If LCase(folderToSelect) = LCase(fld_1.Name) And LCase(emailAccount) = LCase(arr_1(2)) Then 
            Set my_folder = fld_1 
            Call final_sub 
            Call loop_subfolders_2(fld_1) 
           End If 
          End If 
         End If 
        Next fld_1 
    End Sub 
    Sub select_all_items(my_folder As Outlook.folder) 
        Dim my_items As Outlook.Items 
        Dim an_item As MailItem 
        Dim a As Long, b As Long 
        Set my_items = my_folder.Items 
        b = my_items.Count 
        'sleep 2000 
        Set mySelection = myExplorer.Selection 
        If CLng(Left(Application.Version, 2)) >= 14 Then 
         On Error Resume Next ' there are other folders that do not contains mail items 
          For Each an_item In my_items 
           If myExplorer.IsItemSelectableInView(an_item) Then 
            myExplorer.AddToSelection an_item 
           End If 
          Next an_item 
         On Error GoTo 0 
         If b >= 2 Then 
          For a = 1 To b - 1 
           SendKeys "{DOWN}" 
           'Sleep 50 
          Next a 
          For a = 1 To b - 1 
           SendKeys "^+{UP}" 
    '    'Sleep 50 
          Next a 
         End If 
         'sleep 2000 
        End If 
        Set my_items = Nothing 
        Set mySelection = myExplorer.Selection 
        MsgBox mySelection.Count 
    End Sub 

    如果您突出顯示alle文件夾中的消息並顯示它們的編號,最後您只需要文件夾中郵件的數量,對嗎? – Max 2014-09-25 10:01:44


    而不是在這裏做一些編程,爲什麼你不打開文件夾(如果有必要在新窗口中)看看Outlook的左下端,那裏的郵件數總是顯示? – Max 2014-09-25 10:03:16


    我接受其他建議......這個確實不是很漂亮。 – Inetquestion 2014-09-25 19:56:17




    Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Outlook.folder 
    Dim TestFolder As Outlook.folder 
    Dim FoldersArray As Variant 
    Dim i As Integer 
    On Error GoTo GetFolder_Error 
    If Left(FolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then 
    FolderPath = Right(FolderPath, Len(FolderPath) - 2) 
    End If 
    'Convert folderpath to array 
    FoldersArray = Split(FolderPath, "\") 
    Set TestFolder = Application.Session.Folders.item(FoldersArray(0)) 
    If Not TestFolder Is Nothing Then 
    For i = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1) 
    Dim SubFolders As Outlook.Folders 
    Set SubFolders = TestFolder.Folders 
    Set TestFolder = SubFolders.item(FoldersArray(i)) 
    If TestFolder Is Nothing Then 
    Set GetFolder = Nothing 
    End If 
    End If 
    'Return the TestFolder 
    Set GetFolder = TestFolder 
    Exit Function 
    'MsgBox ("Ordner für verschieben nicht gefunden") 
    Set GetFolder = Nothing 
    Exit Function 
    End Function 



    Set mailitem.SaveSentMessageFolder = GetFolder(mailitem.SentOnBehalfOfName & "\inbox") 
    Dim Subfolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
    Set Subfolder = GetFolder(olfolder.FullFolderPath & "\erledigt") 
    Dim Subfolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
    Set Subfolder = GetFolder("someaccount\inbox")