2012-06-23 85 views



bool[,] pixels = new bool[100, 100]; 

我正在尋找的功能來呈現這兩個矩形區域內的空心填充的橢圓。 e.g:

public void Ellipse(bool[,] pixels, Rectangle area) 
    // fill pixels[x,y] = true here for the ellipse within area. 

public void FillEllipse(bool[,] pixels, Rectangle area) 
    // fill pixels[x,y] = true here for the ellipse within area. 

Ellipse(pixels, new Rectangle(20, 20, 60, 60)); 
FillEllipse(pixels, new Rectangle(40, 40, 20, 20)); 



在開始時你說'有誰知道任何代碼來呈現一個數組的橢圓'然後你說'給定下面的數組... 我正在尋找函數來呈現一個空心和填充橢圓'。你是否想將一個橢圓變成一個「bool [,]'或者'bool [,]'到一個空心或橢圓形的橢圓? – 3aw5TZetdf




public class EllipseDrawer 
    private static PointF GetEllipsePointFromX(float x, float a, float b) 
     //(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1 
     //(y/b)^2 = 1 - (x/a)^2 
     //y/b = -sqrt(1 - (x/a)^2) --Neg root for upper portion of the plane 
     //y = b*-sqrt(1 - (x/a)^2) 
     return new PointF(x, b * -(float)Math.Sqrt(1 - (x * x/a/a))); 

    public static void Ellipse(bool[,] pixels, Rectangle area) 
     DrawEllipse(pixels, area, false); 

    public static void FillEllipse(bool[,] pixels, Rectangle area) 
     DrawEllipse(pixels, area, true); 

    private static void DrawEllipse(bool[,] pixels, Rectangle area, bool fill) 
     // Get the size of the matrix 
     var matrixWidth = pixels.GetLength(0); 
     var matrixHeight = pixels.GetLength(1); 

     var offsetY = area.Top; 
     var offsetX = area.Left; 

     // Figure out how big the ellipse is 
     var ellipseWidth = (float)area.Width; 
     var ellipseHeight = (float)area.Height; 

     // Figure out the radiuses of the ellipses 
     var radiusX = ellipseWidth/2; 
     var radiusY = ellipseHeight/2; 

     //Keep track of the previous y position 
     var prevY = 0; 
     var firstRun = true; 

     // Loop through the points in the matrix 
     for (var x = 0; x <= radiusX; ++x) 
      var xPos = x + offsetX; 
      var rxPos = (int)ellipseWidth - x - 1 + offsetX; 

      if (xPos < 0 || rxPos < xPos || xPos >= matrixWidth) 

      var pointOnEllipseBoundCorrespondingToXMatrixPosition = GetEllipsePointFromX(x - radiusX, radiusX, radiusY); 
      var y = (int) Math.Floor(pointOnEllipseBoundCorrespondingToXMatrixPosition.Y + (int)radiusY); 
      var yPos = y + offsetY; 

      var ryPos = (int)ellipseHeight - y - 1 + offsetY; 

      if (yPos >= 0) 
       if (xPos > -1 && xPos < matrixWidth && yPos > -1 && yPos < matrixHeight) 
        pixels[xPos, yPos] = true; 

       if(xPos > -1 && xPos < matrixWidth && ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) 
        pixels[xPos, ryPos] = true; 

       if (rxPos > -1 && rxPos < matrixWidth) 
        if (yPos > -1 && yPos < matrixHeight) 
         pixels[rxPos, yPos] = true; 

        if (ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) 
         pixels[rxPos, ryPos] = true; 

      //While there's a >1 jump in y, fill in the gap (assumes that this is not the first time we've tracked y, x != 0) 
      for (var j = prevY - 1; !firstRun && j > y - 1 && y > 0; --j) 
       var jPos = j + offsetY; 
       var rjPos = (int)ellipseHeight - j - 1 + offsetY; 

       if(jPos == rjPos - 1) 

       if(jPos > -1 && jPos < matrixHeight) 
        pixels[xPos, jPos] = true; 

       if(rjPos > -1 && rjPos < matrixHeight) 
        pixels[xPos, rjPos] = true; 

       if (rxPos > -1 && rxPos < matrixWidth) 
        if(jPos > -1 && jPos < matrixHeight) 
         pixels[rxPos, jPos] = true; 

        if(rjPos > -1 && rjPos < matrixHeight) 
         pixels[rxPos, rjPos] = true; 

      firstRun = false; 
      prevY = y; 
      var countTarget = radiusY - y; 

      for (var count = 0; fill && count < countTarget; ++count) 

       // Set all four points in the matrix we just learned about 
       // also, make the indication that for the rest of this row, we need to fill the body of the ellipse 
       if(yPos > -1 && yPos < matrixHeight) 
        pixels[xPos, yPos] = true; 

       if(ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) 
        pixels[xPos, ryPos] = true; 

       if (rxPos > -1 && rxPos < matrixWidth) 
        if(yPos > -1 && yPos < matrixHeight) 
         pixels[rxPos, yPos] = true; 

        if(ryPos > -1 && ryPos < matrixHeight) 
         pixels[rxPos, ryPos] = true; 

太棒了。奇怪的是,雖然矩形的X位置似乎沒有兌現。 – Rob


不確定是否只需要矩形大小的橢圓或基於X和Y偏移定位。我將在今晚定位時更新我的​​答案。 – mlorbetske


X和Y實際上,代碼似乎沒有使用area.X或area.Y ???否則,我很樂意爲這個答案提供賞金,它幾乎就在那裏。你可以更新它以包括矩形的位置嗎? – Rob





至於填充的橢圓形,我說你最好的選擇是採取掃描線的方法 - 依次查看每一行,找出哪些像素的左側和右側都在線條,然後填寫每個像素插圖中。


這不是家庭作業,我對數學並不是很了不起,這就是爲什麼這是如此具體。 – Rob




enter image description here


 bool[,] pixels = new bool[100, 100]; 

     double a = 30; 
     double b = 20; 
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) 
       double x = i-50; 
       double y = j-50; 
       pixels[i, j] = (x/a) * (x/a) + (y/b) * (y/b) > 1; 

如果你的橢圓反過來,不只是cha nge ><

對於空洞的,您可以檢查(x/a) * (x/a) + (y/b) * (y/b)1之間的差異是否在特定閾值內。如果只是將不等式改爲等式,它可能會遺漏一些像素。



雖然目前似乎已經成爲一個perfectly valid answer源代碼和所有對這個問題,我只想指出,WriteableBitmapEx項目中還含有大量的高效的source code用於在所謂的WriteableBitmap對象中繪製和填充不同的多邊形類型(如橢圓)。


對於橢圓形的情況下,要特別注意DrawEllipse...方法在WriteableBitmapShapeExtensions.cs文件,並在WriteableBitmapFillExtensions.cs FillEllipse...方法文件,一切都坐落在主幹/來源/ WriteableBitmapEx子文件夾。