* Plugin Name: My Plugin
* Description: A sample plugin activation call without generating "Plugin activated."
* message if requirements aren't met.
* Author: Slicktrick
* Version: 1.0.0
* Requires at least: 4.0
add_action('admin_init', 'check_requirements_for_my_plugin');
add_action('admin_notices', 'show_notices_for_my_plugin');
function check_requirements_for_my_plugin() {
// Check that we are using PHP 5.1.2 or greater.
// Modify this to use whatever checks you need.
$phpversion = '5.1.2';
if (version_compare(phpversion(), $phpversion, "<")) {
// deactivate and remove flag to activate plugin
if (isset($_GET['activate'])) {
// Create an error message and store it as a transient
// Transient is set to automatically expire after 120 seconds
// This prevents the message from lingering indefinitely
$error_message = "PHP version $phpversion required. My Plugin was not activated.";
set_transient('my_plugin_activation_error_message', $error_message, 120);
} else {
// Here's the trick, we register our activation hook
// now that we know the requirements are met!
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'activate_my_plugin');
function show_notices_for_my_plugin() {
// We attempt to fetch our transient that we stored earlier.
// If the transient has expired, we'll get back a boolean false
$message = get_transient('my_plugin_activation_error_message');
if (! empty($message)) {
echo "<div class='notice notice-error is-dismissible'>
function activate_my_plugin() {
// Add activation code here
// Add the rest of your plugin code here
// at the top of the file
add_action('admin_notices', 'show_notices_for_my_plugin');
// from the check_requirements_for_my_plugin() function
$error_message = "PHP version $phpversion required. My Plugin was not activated.";
set_transient('my_plugin_activation_error_message', $message, 120);
- WordPress Codex - Admin Notices
- WordPress Codex - Transients API
基於 這個answer和這個comment來自一個WordPress主要開發者,它似乎更好的路線是讓你的插件激活,但禁用所有功能。一旦符合要求,您就可以使用其他檢查來執行您需要執行的任何安裝任務。這可以用下面的示例代碼很容易做到:
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'check_requirements_for_my_plugin');
function check_requirements_for_my_plugin() {
// Do whatever checking needed here
if (! $requirements_met) {
add_action('admin_notices', 'show_requirements_notice_for_my_plugin');
return; // Exit your function
// Register all other hooks here since you know requirements are
// met if you reach this point
add_action('admin_init', 'maybe_update_my_plugin');
function show_requirements_notice_for_my_plugin() {
// I'd expand this to add a list of needed requirements
echo '<div class="notice notice-error">'
. "My-Plugin functionality is disabled because the requirements are not met."
. '</div>';
function maybe_update_my_plugin() {
// Check to see if update/installation tasks need to be performed
你是否檢查插件是否被禁用bij在WP_OPTIONS表中查找它的值? – Jurgo
不確定你的意思。它用'phpversion()'檢查版本。 – Teno
你在哪裏添加未設置?將它添加到index.php – transilvlad