我看 DLite的優化版本:爲d *精簡版優化僞代碼
procedure CalculateKey(s)
{01」} return [min(g(s), rhs(s)) + h(s_start, s) + km;min(g(s), rhs(s))];
procedure Initialize()
{02」} U = ∅;
{03」} km = 0;
{04」} for all s ∈ S rhs(s) = g(s) = ∞;
{05」} rhs(s_goal) = 0;
{06」} U.Insert(s_goal, [h(s_start, s_goal); 0]);
procedure UpdateVertex(u)
{07」} if (g(u) != rhs(u) AND u ∈ U) U.Update(u,CalculateKey(u));
{08」} else if (g(u) != rhs(u) AND u /∈ U) U.Insert(u,CalculateKey(u));
{09」} else if (g(u) = rhs(u) AND u ∈ U) U.Remove(u);
procedure ComputeShortestPath()
{10」} while (U.TopKey() < CalculateKey(s_start) OR rhs(s_start) > g(s_start))
{11」} u = U.Top();
{12」} k_old = U.TopKey();
{13」} k_new = CalculateKey(u));
{14」} if(k_old < k_new)
{15」} U.Update(u, k_new);
{16」} else if (g(u) > rhs(u))
{17」} g(u) = rhs(u);
{18」} U.Remove(u);
{19」} for all s ∈ Pred(u)
{20」} if (s != s_goal) rhs(s) = min(rhs(s), c(s, u) + g(u));
{21」} UpdateVertex(s);
{22」} else
{23」} g_old = g(u);
{24」} g(u) = ∞;
{25」} for all s ∈ Pred(u) ∪ {u}
{26」} if (rhs(s) = c(s, u) + g_old)
{27」} if (s != s_goal) rhs(s) = min s'∈Succ(s)(c(s, s') + g(s'));
{28」} UpdateVertex(s);
procedure Main()
{29」} s_last = s_start;
{30」} Initialize();
{31」} ComputeShortestPath();
{32」} while (s_start != s_goal)
{33」} /* if (g(s_start) = ∞) then there is no known path */
{34」} s_start = argmin s'∈Succ(s_start)(c(s_start, s') + g(s'));
{35」} Move to s_start;
{36」} Scan graph for changed edge costs;
{37」} if any edge costs changed
{38」} km = km + h(s_last, s_start);
{39」} s_last = s_start;
{40」} for all directed edges (u, v) with changed edge costs
{41」} c_old = c(u, v);
{42」} Update the edge cost c(u, v);
{43」} if (c_old > c(u, v))
{44」} if (u != s_goal) rhs(u) = min(rhs(u), c(u, v) + g(v));
{45」} else if (rhs(u) = c_old + g(v))
{46」} if (u != s_goal) rhs(u) = min s'∈Succ(u)(c(u, s') + g(s'));
{47」} UpdateVertex(u);
{48」} ComputeShortestPath()
我無法猜測爲什麼在44行和46被評爲一樣 條件(如果u 〜= s_goal)。在 進入第43行和第45行中的if/if else之前,將無法評估該行爲嗎? 難道是:
if (u != s_goal)
if (c_old=c(u,v))
elseif (rhs(u)=c_old + g(v))
我想我理解你的觀點,你的意思是說,因爲'(if(u!= s_goal))'條件在大多數情況下是真的,如果條件具有較低的「概率」是真實的,用這種方式,跳過其評估的概率的百分比最高? – Ned112 2012-04-13 00:04:31
是的,這就是我的意思。 – oldboy 2012-04-13 02:29:55