./main:錯誤而載入共享 庫:libboost_thread.so.1.45.0: 無法打開共享對象文件:沒有 這樣的文件或目錄
# (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
# This is a simple example of a SGE batch script
# request Bourne shell as shell for job
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -N cr_number # this name shows in qstat
#$ -S /bin/bash # run with this shell
#$ -l h_rt=50:00:00 # need 50 hour runtime
#$ -pe mpich 4 # define parallel env
#$ -cwd # run the job in the directory specified.
#$ -o cr_number.out
#$ -e cr_number.err
# (-j will merge stdout and stderr)
#$ -notify
#$ -M [email protected] - send mail about this job to the given email address.
#$ -m beas # send a mail to owner when the job
# begins (b), ends (e), aborted (a),
# and suspended(s). and suspended(s).
你是怎麼建立`main`的? – 2011-01-19 19:52:54