我問過的關於如何自動進行jQuery Blinds slideshow移動一個問題,有人在此頁上回答(帶有12票):在哪裏放這段腳本,以便這個幻燈片可以自動移動?
Is there a way to make this slideshow move automatically?
var SlideChanger = function(seconds_each) {
var index = -1;
// on the first cycle, index will be set to zero below
var maxindex = ($(".change_link").length) - 1;
// how many total slides are there (count the slide buttons)
var timer = function() {
// this is the function returned by SlideChanger
var logic = function() {
// this is an inner function which uses the
// enclosed values (index and maxindex) to cycle through the slides
if (index == maxindex)
index = 0; // reset to first slide
index++; // goto next slide, set index to zero on first cycle
$('.slideshow').blinds_change(index); // this is what changes the slide
setTimeout(logic, 1000 * seconds_each);
// schedule ourself to run in the future
logic(); // get the ball rolling
return timer; // give caller the function
SlideChanger(5)(); // get the function at five seconds per slide and run it
的只有看起來像麻煩的行是'$(。slideshow')。blinds_change(index)`檢查在控制檯中 – Raynos 2011-01-28 02:09:58