2017-08-15 208 views

我有Excel 2010和Acrobat XI Pro。我正嘗試使用VBA從具有多個工作表的Excel工作簿創建PDF文件。我需要使用Create PDF函數,而不是ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat方法,因爲Excel工作簿最終有50多個頁面,我需要保留指向工作簿中各個部分(即工作表)的內部工作簿超鏈接。Excel 2010 VBA使用Acrobat創建PDF

我已經能夠找到的最好的領導是這個帖子:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37551957/using-vba-how-do-i-call-up-the-adobe-create-pdf-function 和這個職位:https://forums.adobe.com/thread/853854

我可以成功地創建一個空的PDF並插入來自其他來源的PDF頁面。但是,我一直無法將工作表插入到空白的PDF中。 (我也嘗試了一種PDF格式的方法,它只有一個頁面 - 結果相同)。看起來我堅持將工作表「對象」分配給PDF源。我一直在搜索谷歌沒有運氣...這是我的VBA代碼,我將不勝感激任何反饋。

Sub ExportWithAcrobat4() 
Dim strFileName As String 
Dim objPDDocNew As Object 
Dim objPDDoc As Object 
Dim nInsertPageAfter As Integer 
Dim nStartPage As Integer 
Dim nNumPages As Integer 
Dim bBookmarks As Integer 

strFileName = "E:\Documents\WORK\Document Control\test1.pdf" 

Set objPDDocNew = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") 
If objPDDocNew.Create() = False Then 
    MsgBox "Did not create Combined PDF file.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "File Not Created" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

Set objPDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") 
If objPDDoc.Open(strFileName) = False Then 
    MsgBox "Could not open " & strFileName 
End If 
nNumPages = objPDDoc.GetNumPages 

'--- Add pages to new file --- 
'from Acrobat SDK: 
'VARIANT_BOOL InsertPages(long nInsertPageAfter, LPDISPATCH iPDDocSource, long nStartPage, long nNumPages, long bBookmarks); 
'nInsertPageAfter: The page in the current document after which pages from the source document are inserted. The first page in a PDDoc object is page 0. 
'iPDDocSource: The LPDISPATCH for the AcroExch.PDDoc containing the pages to insert. iPDDocSource contains the instance variable m_lpDispatch, which contains the LPDISPATCH. 
'nStartPage: The first page in iPDDocSource to be inserted into the current document. 
'nNumPages: The number of pages to be inserted. 
'bBookmarks: If a positive number, bookmarks are copied from the source document. If 0, they are not. 
nInsertPageAfter = -1 
nStartPage = 0 
bBookmarks = 1 

'++++++++++++ EXCEL STUFF ++++++++++++ 
'need to set the worksheet = objPDDoc somehow 

If objPDDocNew.InsertPages(nInsertPageAfter, objPDDoc, nStartPage, nNumPages, bBookmarks) = False Then 'this works with a pdf file as source 
    MsgBox "Pages did not insert" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

'save the new file 
objPDDocNew.Save 1, "E:\Documents\WORK\Document Control\testResult.pdf" 
MsgBox "done" 



