2014-04-04 25 views

我試圖從殺死數據庫中找到最好的殺手(大多數殺手)。 將$ important的killerId放入數組中,並將其與其他殺手進行比較。找到武器最重要的殺手。 我該怎麼做?使用特定武器殺死玩家最多[mysql]

  $array = array(); 
      $index = 0; 
      while($mData = $q->fetch_assoc()) 
       $arr = explode('with ', $mData['killText']); 
       $unimportant = array(" (in paintball)", " (in event)"); 
       $important = str_replace($unimportant, "", $arr[1]); 

       if(empty($important)) { $important = "Suicide"; } 

       $array[$important]['Gun'] = $important; 

       $query2 = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM `kills` WHERE `killText` LIKE '%$important%' AND `killerID` = '". $mData['killerID'] ."'") or die($mysql->error); 
       while($kData = $query2->fetch_assoc()) 
        // put the killerId of $important into an array, and compare it with the rest of the killers. Find the best killer with the weapon $important 

提示:把一個MySQL在另一個查詢結果的'while'循環中查詢幾乎總是一個你需要了解'JOIN'的標誌。 –



一個GROUP BY將這樣的伎倆:

"SELECT killerID, COUNT(*) FROM kills WHERE killText LIKE '%$important%' GROUP BY killerID;" 

您CA只取 「killerID」,並得到了與武器$important的最殺死殺手:

$kData = $query2->fetch_assoc(); 