using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace consoleapplication9
public class takehomepay
static void Main(String[] args)
const decimal commission = 0.7M; // Commision rate
const decimal federaltax = 0.18M; // federal tax rate
const decimal retirement = 0.10M; // retirement rate
const decimal socialsecurity = 0.06M; // social security rate
string employeeName;
decimal commcost = 0; // commision cost
decimal fedtaxcost = 0; // federal tax cost
decimal retirecost = 0; // retirement cost
decimal socseccost = 0; // social security cost
decimal totalwithholdingcost = 0; // total withholding
decimal takehomepay = 0; // amount taken home
decimal totalSales = 0;
Console.Write("\nEnter employees name: ");
employeeName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter the total sales amount for the week:");
totalSales = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());
var employee = new Employee(employeeName, totalSales);
commcost = commission * totalSales;
fedtaxcost = federaltax * commcost;
retirecost = retirement * commcost;
socseccost = socialsecurity * commcost;
totalwithholdingcost = federaltax + retirement + socialsecurity;
takehomepay = commcost - totalwithholdingcost;
public class Employee
private string employeeName;
private decimal totalSales;
public Employee()
public Employee(string Name)
employeeName = Name;
public Employee(string Name, decimal Sales)
employeeName = Name;
totalSales = Sales;
public string EmployeeName
return employeeName;
employeeName = value;
public decimal takehomepay
return takehomepay;
takehomepay = value;
public override string ToString()
return "Employee: " + employeeName +
"\nTake home pay: " + takehomepay;
我改變了你的建議,但現在我得到的錯誤「一個得到或設置acceutor期望」 public decimal takehomepay {get;設置;) { 得到 { return takehomepay; } set { takehomepay = value; } } } – 2014-09-26 05:24:16
@ nicko'connor刪除最後一位,從字面上只是有'decimal takehomepay {get;設置;)'並且移除'{get {return takehomepay; } set {takehomepay = value; }}}' – 2014-09-26 05:26:37
請注意,它應該''而不是'''在'set'之後'' – 2014-09-26 05:29:39