2016-06-11 41 views

以下是我的時間表表示預留時間從isReserved列-0未保留。我在這張桌子上有全天可用的時間。SQL Server選擇最佳可用時間

enter image description here



我使用SQL Server 2008 R2的

與jpcbtimeslots以下查詢 選擇時隙,其中時隙> @starttime和時隙< = @endtime和isreserved = '0'

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots](  
[ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
[BayID] [int] NULL,  
[TimeSlot] [datetime] NULL,  
[IsReserved] [int] NULL, 


INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (1, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AC3392 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (2, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AC79E2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (3, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200ACC032 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (4, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AD0682 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (5, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AD4CD2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (6, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AD9322 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (7, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200ADD972 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (8, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AE1FC2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (9, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AE6612 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (10, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AEAC62 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (11, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AEF2B2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (12, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AF3902 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (13, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AF7F52 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (14, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200AFC5A2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (15, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B00BF2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (16, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B05242 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (17, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B09892 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (18, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B0DEE2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (19, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B12532 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (20, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B16B82 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (21, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B1B1D2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (22, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B1F822 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (23, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B23E72 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (24, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B284C2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (25, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B2CB12 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (26, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B31162 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (27, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B357B2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (28, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B39E02 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (29, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B3E452 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (30, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B42AA2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (31, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B470F2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (32, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B4B742 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (33, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B4FD92 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (34, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B543E2 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (35, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B58A32 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (36, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B5D082 AS DateTime), 1) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (37, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B616D2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (38, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B65D22 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (39, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B6A372 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (40, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B6E9C2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (41, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B73012 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (42, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B77662 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (43, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B7BCB2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (44, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B80302 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (45, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B84952 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (46, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B88FA2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (47, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B8D5F2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (48, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B91C42 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (49, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B96292 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (50, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B9A8E2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (51, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200B9EF32 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (52, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BA3582 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (53, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BA7BD2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (54, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BAC222 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (55, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BB0872 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (56, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BB4EC2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (57, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BB9512 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (58, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BBDB62 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (59, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BC21B2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (60, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BC6802 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (61, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BCAE52 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (62, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BCF4A2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (63, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BD3AF2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (64, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BD8142 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (65, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BDC792 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (66, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BE0DE2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (67, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BE5432 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (68, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BE9A82 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (69, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BEE0D2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (70, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BF2722 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (71, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BF6D72 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (72, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BFB3C2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (73, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200BFFA12 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (74, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C04062 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (75, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C086B2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (76, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C0CD02 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (77, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C11352 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (78, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C159A2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (79, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C19FF2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (80, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C1E642 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (81, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C22C92 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (82, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C272E2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (83, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C2B932 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (84, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C2FF82 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (85, 1, CAST(0x0000A62200C345D2 AS DateTime), 0) INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] ([ID], [BayID], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) VALUES (50435, 35, CAST(0x0000A62300AC3392 AS DateTime), 0) 

SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] OFF /****** Object: Default [DF_JPCBTimeSlots_IsReserved] Script Date: 06/11/2016 17:59:00 

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JPCBTimeSlots] 
ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_JPCBTimeSlots_IsReserved] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [IsReserved] 

http://i.stack.imgur.com/EnQ85.png – user2737374


這不是一項免費開發服務。你試過什麼查詢?還要確定您使用的是哪個數據庫。 –


我已經編輯了問題,下面的部分還不清楚「當我需要預訂30分鐘的工作時,那麼查詢不應該返回第一個可用的時間戳,因爲沒有足夠的時間可用」..也請標記特定的RDBMS正在使用 – TheGameiswar





    ([X] int, [ID] int, [BaylD] int, [TimeSlot] varchar(23), [IsReserved] int) 

    ([X], [ID], [BaylD], [TimeSlot], [IsReserved]) 
    (10, 10, 1, '2016-06-11 10:35:57.980', 1), 
    (11, 11, 1, '2016-06-11 10:36:57.980', 1), 
    (12, 12, 1, '2016-06-11 10:37:57.980', 0), 
    (13, 13, 1, '2016-06-11 10:38:57.980', 0), 
    (14, 14, 1, '2016-06-11 10:39:57.980', 1), 
    (15, 15, 1, '2016-06-11 10:40:57.980', 1), 
    (16, 16, 1, '2016-06-11 10:41:57.980', 0), 
    (17, 17, 1, '2016-06-11 10:42:57.980', 0), 
    (18, 18, 1, '2016-06-11 10:43:57.980', 0), 
    (19, 19, 1, '2016-06-11 10:44:57.980', 0), 
    (20, 20, 1, '2016-06-11 10:45:57.980', 0), 
    (21, 21, 1, '2016-06-11 10:46:57.980', 0), 
    (22, 22, 1, '2016-06-11 10:47:57.980', 0), 
    (23, 23, 1, '2016-06-11 10:48:57.980', 0), 
    (24, 24, 1, '2016-06-11 10:49:57.980', 0), 
    (25, 25, 1, '2016-06-11 10:50:57.980', 0), 
    (26, 26, 1, '2016-06-11 10:51:57.980', 1), 
    (27, 27, 1, '2016-06-11 10:52:57.980', 1), 
    (28, 28, 1, '2016-06-11 10:53:57.980', 1), 
    (29, 29, 1, '2016-06-11 10:54:57.980', 1), 
    (30, 30, 1, '2016-06-11 10:55:57.980', 0), 
    (31, 31, 1, '2016-06-11 10:56:57.980', 0), 
    (32, 32, 1, '2016-06-11 10:57:57.980', 0), 
    (33, 33, 1, '2016-06-11 10:58:57.980', 0), 
    (34, 34, 1, '2016-06-11 10:59:57.980', 1), 
    (35, 35, 1, '2016-06-11 11:00:57.980', 1), 
    (36, 36, 1, '2016-06-11 11:01:57.980', 1), 
    (37, 37, 1, '2016-06-11 11:02:57.980', 0), 
    (38, 38, 1, '2016-06-11 11:03:57.980', 0), 
    (39, 39, 1, '2016-06-11 11:04:57.980', 0) 



select min(TimeSlot), max(TimeSlot), datediff(minute, min(TimeSlot), max(TimeSlot)) from (
    select row_number() over (order by TimeSlot) as RN1, row_number() over (partition by IsReserved order by TimeSlot) as RN2, * from #TimeSlots 
) X where IsReserved = 0 
group by RN1 - RN2 


Start      End      Duration 
2016-06-11 10:37:57.980 2016-06-11 10:38:57.980 1 
2016-06-11 10:41:57.980 2016-06-11 10:50:57.980 9 
2016-06-11 10:55:57.980 2016-06-11 10:58:57.980 3 
2016-06-11 11:02:57.980 2016-06-11 11:04:57.980 2 




CREATE TABLE #tmpTimeSlots (ID int, TimeSlot datetime, IsReserved int); 

INSERT INTO #tmpTimeSlots (ID, TimeSlot, IsReserved) VALUES 
(10,'2016-06-11 10:35:00',1),(11,'2016-06-11 10:36:00',1),(12,'2016-06-11 10:37:00',0), 
(13,'2016-06-11 10:38:00',0),(14,'2016-06-11 10:39:00',1),(15,'2016-06-11 10:40:00',1), 
(16,'2016-06-11 10:41:00',0),(17,'2016-06-11 10:42:00',0),(18,'2016-06-11 10:43:00',0), 
(19,'2016-06-11 10:44:00',0),(20,'2016-06-11 10:45:00',0),(21,'2016-06-11 10:46:00',0), 
(22,'2016-06-11 10:47:00',0),(23,'2016-06-11 10:48:00',0),(24,'2016-06-11 10:49:00',0), 
(25,'2016-06-11 10:50:00',0),(26,'2016-06-11 10:51:00',1),(27,'2016-06-11 10:52:00',1), 
(28,'2016-06-11 10:53:00',1),(29,'2016-06-11 10:54:00',1),(30,'2016-06-11 10:55:00',0), 
(31,'2016-06-11 10:56:00',0),(32,'2016-06-11 10:57:00',0),(33,'2016-06-11 10:58:00',0), 
(34,'2016-06-11 10:59:00',1),(35,'2016-06-11 11:00:00',1),(36,'2016-06-11 11:01:00',1), 
(37,'2016-06-11 11:02:00',0),(38,'2016-06-11 11:03:00',0),(39,'2016-06-11 11:04:00',0); 


Q1 AS (
    select TimeSlot as time, IsReserved as flag, row_number() over (order by TimeSlot) as rn 
    from #tmpTimeSlots 
Q2 AS (
    select t1.time as time1, coalesce(t2.time,getdate()) as time2, t1.flag as flag1, coalesce(t2.flag,-1) as flag2, 
    row_number() over (order by t1.time) as rn 
    from Q1 t1 
    left join Q1 t2 on (t1.rn = t2.rn-1) 
    where t1.flag <> coalesce(t2.flag,-1) 
select start_time, end_time, diff_minutes 
from ( 
    select q1.time2 as start_time, q2.time1 as end_time, DATEDIFF(minute, q1.time2, q2.time1) as diff_minutes 
    from Q2 q1 
    join Q2 q2 on (q1.rn = q2.rn-1) 
    where q1.flag2 = 0 and q2.flag1 = 0 
) Q3 
--where diff_minutes >= 4 
--and start_time >= @starttime and end_time <= @endtime 
order by start_time; 



start_time   end_time    diff_minutes 
11.06.2016 10:37:00 11.06.2016 10:38:00 1 
11.06.2016 10:41:00 11.06.2016 10:50:00 9 
11.06.2016 10:55:00 11.06.2016 10:58:00 3 
11.06.2016 11:02:00 11.06.2016 11:04:00 2 


select start_time, end_time, DATEDIFF(minute, start_time, end_time) as diff_minutes 
    select dateadd(minute,1,time) as start_time, dateadd(minute,-1,next_time) as end_time 
    select TimeSlot as time, IsReserved as flag, 
    LEAD(TimeSlot, 1) OVER(PARTITION BY IsReserved ORDER BY TimeSlot) as next_time 
    from #tmpTimeSlots 
) Q1 
    where flag = 1 
) Q2 
where start_time < coalesce(end_time,getdate()) 
--and DATEDIFF(minute, start_time, end_time) >= 4 
--and start_time >= @starttime and end_time <= @endtime 
order by start_time;