2017-07-05 106 views
private static char[] getChars(int i) { 
    char buf[] = new char[32]; 
    int q; 
    for (int j = 31; j >= 0; j--) { 
     q = (i * 52429) >>> (19); 
     int r = i - ((q << 3) + (q << 1)); 
     buf[j] = (char) (r + '0'); 
     i = q; 
     if (i == 0) 

return buf; 



此方法屬於哪個類? – Seelenvirtuose


@Seelenvirtuose哎呀,OP更新。它在java.lang.Integer – user282909


我只在'java.lang.Integer'(JDK7和JDK8)中看到一個方法'static void getChars(int i,int index,char [] buf)'。困惑... – Seelenvirtuose




// I use the "invariant division by multiplication" trick to 
// accelerate Integer.toString. In particular we want to 
// avoid division by 10. 
// The "trick" has roughly the same performance characteristics 
// as the "classic" Integer.toString code on a non-JIT VM. 
// The trick avoids .rem and .div calls but has a longer code 
// path and is thus dominated by dispatch overhead. In the 
// JIT case the dispatch overhead doesn't exist and the 
// "trick" is considerably faster than the classic code. 
// TODO-FIXME: convert (x * 52429) into the equiv shift-add 
// sequence. 
// RE: Division by Invariant Integers using Multiplication 
//  T Gralund, P Montgomery 
//  ACM PLDI 1994 

所以,回答你的問題可以在書Division by Invariant Integers using Multiplication用T Gralund,P蒙哥馬利發現。


爲什麼最大值限制在81920有關係嗎? – QuestionEverything


@QuestionEverything至於爲什麼,讀這本書。但請注意,在JDK8中,它僅限於'65536'。見註釋在行453:http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk/file/687fd7c7986d/src/share/classes/java/lang/Integer.java#l433 – Andreas


@QuestionEverything:因爲'81919 * 52429'只適合32位,但'81920 * 52429'不適合。 – Holger