2017-06-22 78 views

你能檢查我的代碼,並請告訴我爲什麼NameError:name'Yes'未定義 發生。NameError發生在用戶輸入東西

"""This code prints how many tickets user gets depending on userDollar""" 
FirstClassPrice = 44 
userDollar = int(input("Please enter the number of dollars you want to 
userDollarConvert = 100 * userDollar 
userTick = userDollarConvert // FirstClassPrice 

#Input and output of the code showing the change 
userChange = userDollarConvert % FirstClassPrice 
print("Your Change: $0." + str(userChange)) 
print("Number of First Class Tickets You Have:" + str(userTick)) 

#100 Tickets can be changed into 1 dinner ticket 
if 100 <= userTick: 
    userChoice = input("Would you like to change 100 tickets into a free 
dinner ticket? Yes or No only.") 
    if userChoice == ("Yes"): 
    DinnerTicket = 100(userTick) 
    print("You now have:" + DinnerTicket // userTick + "DinnerTicket(s)") 
    print("You have" + DinnerTicket % userTick + "Tickets remaining") 

第3行和第17行提供了2個單獨的句子,因爲這些行太長而不適合問題欄謝謝! –


你在Python 2中,因此,你應該使用'raw_input'。在Python 2中輸入'''eval'是用戶輸入的字符串,這會導致你的錯誤。 –


他正在使用print(),所以它的python3不是python2 –



在Python 2,儘量raw_input()而不是input()。它返回一個字符串,而不是試圖將輸入評估爲代碼。
