我正在使用SublimeText 3.我安裝了SublimeREPL來運行我當前的Python文件,所以我可以在簡單練習練習中看到輸入返回。這裏是我可笑的簡單代碼: name = input("What is your name: ")
print name
我去測試它,我收到以下錯誤: What is your name: Justin
Traceback (most recen
當我在Python編程新手,有這個簡單的程序,計算瓷磚價格給予2個維度麻煩: Objective: Calculate the total cost of tile it would take to cover a floor plan of width and height, using a cost entered by the user. print ("NOTE: The unit of
我已經建立了一個消息應用程序,但它似乎有不正確的語法: from tkinter import messagebox
from AESEncDec import *
from MD5Hashing import *
from RSAEncDec import *
color = 'lightblue' #color our background
class Applicatio
我已經構建的應用程序定義的,源開始這樣的: from tkinter import Text
from tkinter import Label
from AESEncDec import *
from MD5Hashing import *
from RSAEncDec import *
color = 'lightblue' #color our background
我使用的源代碼示例從Open CV成爲Python文檔如下: import numpy as np
import cv2
import glob
# termination criteria in this, 30 max number of iterations, 0.001 minimum accuracy