使用以下示例酒窩圖表的變體,如何使用Shiny bootstrap自動縮放,而不必硬編碼圖表的高度和寬度?rcharts微凹泡泡圖表
#get data used by dimple for all of its examples as a first test
data <- read.delim(
#eliminate . to avoid confusion in javascript
colnames(data) <- gsub("[.]","",colnames(data))
#example 27 Bubble Matrix
d1 <- dPlot(
x = c("Channel", "PriceTier"),
y = "Owner",
z = "Distribution",
groups = "PriceTier",
data = data,
type = "bubble",
aggregate = "dimple.aggregateMethod.max"
d1$xAxis(type = "addCategoryAxis")
d1$yAxis(type = "addCategoryAxis")
d1$zAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis", overrideMax = 200)
x = 200,
y = 10,
width = 500,
height = 20,
horizontalAlign = "right"
非常感謝您回答這個;我正在嘗試將所有新的酒窩功能都納入到這裏https://github.com/timelyportfolio/rCharts/tree/dimple_layer,如果你想成爲前沿的話。這裏是一個例子http://bl.ocks.org/timelyportfolio/8869959。我會喜歡想法或想法。 – timelyportfolio
偉大的工作!這非常有趣,圖表很棒。如果我有一些想法,我會告訴你。 – Victorp
感謝指針@Victorp我設法讓JQuery和Bootstrap更深入。最大的痛苦是固定的尺寸,但帶腳手架的腳手架非常有用。 – digdeep