2016-01-19 112 views

我試圖在Opencv中創建一個感興趣的區域,但一直都沒有成功,我的項目是關於一個交通計數器應用程序,我正在根據他們的Blob ,爲了減少處理時間,我設置了最小和最大blob,但那還不夠,我想創建一個感興趣的區域,Opencv將會處理所有的處理,我試着檢測這條路,但它沒有給我想要的結果,這裏是代碼我實現在opencv Java中創建感興趣區域(ROI)

private static void segmentation(Mat src) { 
     Mat matGray = src.clone(); 
     matEdges = new Mat(matGray.height(), matGray.width(), CvType.CV_8UC1); 
     // Imgproc.cvtColor(matGray, matGray, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2RGB, 0); 
     matGray.submat(0, matGray.height(), (2 * matGray.width())/3, matGray.width()).copyTo(matEdges.submat(0, matGray.height(), (2 * matGray.width())/3, matGray.width())); 
     Imgproc.adaptiveThreshold(matEdges, matEdges, 255, Imgproc.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY, 3, -1.5); 
     Imgproc.erode(matEdges, matEdges, Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(2, 2))); 


    private static void detectLane(Mat src) { 

     //Matrix of detected lines 
     Mat lines = new Mat(); 
     Line leftLane = new Line(0, src.height(), src.width(), 0); 
     Line rightLane = new Line(src.width(), src.height(), 0, 0); 
     //Straight line detection 
     Imgproc.HoughLines(matEdges, lines, 1, Math.PI/180, 70); 
     double maxLaneY = src.height(); 
     boolean isLeftHorizontal = true; 
     boolean isRightHorizontal = true; 
     double midLaneX = src.width()/2; 
     double minLaneX = 0; 
     double maxLaneX = src.width(); 
     double minLeftLaneY = 3 * src.height()/4; 
     double minRightLaneY = 3 * src.height()/4; 

     //Get rho and theta values for every line and convert it to cartesian space 
     for (int j = 0; j < lines.cols(); j++) { 
      double[] vec = lines.get(0, j); 
      double rho = vec[0], 
        theta = vec[1]; 

      //Vertical-ish lines conversion 
      if ((theta < Math.PI/4 || theta > 3 * Math.PI/4)) { 

       double topX = rho/Math.cos(theta); 
       double bottomX = (rho - src.width() * Math.sin(theta))/Math.cos(theta); 

       if (minLaneX < bottomX && bottomX <= midLaneX) { 
        minLaneX = bottomX; 
        leftLane.setLine(bottomX, topX, src.width(), 0); 
        isLeftHorizontal = false; 
       if (midLaneX < bottomX && bottomX < maxLaneX) { 
        maxLaneX = bottomX; 
        rightLane.setLine(bottomX, topX, src.width(), 0); 
        isRightHorizontal = false; 
      //Horizontal-ish lines conversion 
      else { 

       double leftY = rho/Math.sin(theta); 
       double rightY = (rho - src.width() * Math.cos(theta))/Math.sin(theta); 

       if (leftY > minLeftLaneY && leftY < maxLaneY && isLeftHorizontal) { 
        minLeftLaneY = leftY; 
        leftLane.setLine(0, src.width(), leftY, rightY); 
       if (rightY > minRightLaneY && rightY < maxLaneY && isRightHorizontal) { 
        minRightLaneY = rightY; 
        rightLane.setLine(src.width(), 0, rightY, leftY); 


     //Get the horizon 
     Point i = Line.getIntersectionPoint(leftLane, rightLane); 

     if (i != null && i.x > 0 && i.x < src.width() && i.y > 0 && i.y < src.height()) { 
      //Draw the lines with horizon 
      Imgproc.line(src, leftLane.getStart(), i, new Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3); 
      Imgproc.line(src, rightLane.getStart(), i, new Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3); 
     } else { 
      //Draw the lines without horizon 
      Imgproc.line(src, leftLane.getStart(), leftLane.getEnd(), new Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3); 
      Imgproc.line(src, rightLane.getStart(), rightLane.getEnd(), new Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3); 

     //Draw segmentation borders 

     System.err.println("lines:" + lines.cols()); 
     lines = null; 








我將鼠標事件監聽器附加到根視圖並獲取所有點,即全部4分 root.setOnKeyPressed(eventHandler);

imageView.setOnMousePressed(event -> { 

     mousePosition.x = event.getX(); 
     mousePosition.y = event.getY(); 


 if (mousePosition.inside(window.getImageArea())) 
      //if true the draw 
