2012-06-14 75 views



global $wpdb; 

$sql = "SELECT e.*, c.*, ese.start_time, ese.end_time 
     FROM wp_events_detail e 
     JOIN wp_events_category_rel r ON r.event_id = e.id 
     JOIN wp_events_category_detail c ON c.id = r.cat_id 
     LEFT JOIN wp_events_start_end ese ON ese.event_id= e.id 
     WHERE e.is_active = 'Y' 
     AND c.category_identifier = 'main' 
     ORDER BY e.start_date ASC 
     LIMIT 0, 5"; 
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); 


if(count($results) > 0) { 

    echo '<div class="calendar-list">'; 

    foreach($results as $event) { 

     $event_id = $event->id; 
     $event_name = $event->event_name; 
     $start_date = $event->start_date; 
     $start_time = $event->start_time; 

     $start_time = strtotime($start_time); 
     $start_time = date('g:ia', $start_time); 

     $the_time = strtotime($start_date); 

     $the_day = date('d', $the_time); 
     $the_month = date('M', $the_time); 

     echo '<dl class="calendar-day first-child">'; 
     echo '<dt>'; 
     echo '<p class="the-month">' . $the_month . '</p>'; 
     echo '<p class="the-day">' . $the_day . '</p>'; 
     echo '</dt>'; 
     echo '<dd>'; 
     echo '<h4><a href="' . $event_id . '">' . $event_name . '</a></h4>'; 
     echo '<h5><span class="time">' . $start_time . '</span></h5>'; 
     echo '</dd>'; 
     echo '</dl>'; 


    echo '</div>'; 


<div class="calendar-list"> 
    <dl class="calendar"> 
      <p class="the-month">JUN</p> 
      <p class="the-day">27</p> 
      <h4><a href="#">Title</a></h4> 
         <h5><span class="time">Time</span></h5> 
      <h4><a href="#">Title</a></h4> 
         <h5><span class="time">Time</span></h5> 
    <dl class="calendar"> 
      <p class="the-month">JUN</p> 
      <p class="the-day">28</p> 
      <h4><a href="#">Title</a></h4> 
         <h5><span class="time">Time</span></h5> 







// Init empty previous time 
$previous_time = null; 
// Open first definition list 
echo '<dl class="calendar-day first-child">'; 
foreach($results as $event) { 

    $event_id = $event->id; 
    $event_name = $event->event_name; 
    $start_date = $event->start_date; 
    $start_time = strtotime($event->start_time); 
    $the_time = $start_time; 
    $the_day = date('d', $start_time); 
    $the_month = date('M', $start_time); 
    $start_time = date('g:ia', $start_time); 

    // Date changed 
    if($the_time != previous_time) { 
     // Unless first iteration, close previous list 
     if(!empty($previous_time)) { 
      echo '</dl>'; 
     // Open new list 
     echo '<dl class="calendar-day first-child">' 
     // Show definition term for the group of events 
     echo '<dt>'; 
     echo '<p class="the-month">' . $the_month . '</p>'; 
     echo '<p class="the-day">' . $the_day . '</p>'; 
     echo '</dt>'; 

    // Display current event 
    echo '<dd>'; 
    echo '<h4><a href="' . $event_id . '">' . $event_name . '</a></h4>'; 
    echo '<h5><span class="time">' . $start_time . '</span></h5>'; 
    echo '</dd>'; 

    // Remember date from previous row 
    previous_time = $the_time; 
// Close last definition list 
echo '</dl>'; 

這工作得非常好。我不得不調整一些東西來使它適合我的內容,但是這個想法傳達得很好。非常感謝。 – tr3online


我很高興它幫助你! – bfavaretto

/// Read the readme.txt file before using /////// 
// This is downloaded from www.plus2net.com // 
/// You can distribute this code with the link to www.plus2net.com /// 
// Please don't remove the link to www.plus2net.com /// 
// This is for your learning only not for commercial use. /////// 
//The author is not responsible for any type of loss or problem or damage on using this script.// 
/// You can use it at your own risk. ///// 

$servername='ur host'; 
// username and password to log onto db server 
$dbusername='ur user'; 
$dbpassword='ur pwd'; 
// name of database 
$dbname='ur db'; 

////// DONOT EDIT BELOW ///////// 
function connecttodb($servername,$dbname,$dbuser,$dbpassword) 
global $link; 
$link=mysql_connect ("$servername","$dbuser","$dbpassword"); 
if(!$link){die("Could not connect to MySQL");} 
mysql_select_db("$dbname",$link) or die ("could not open db".mysql_error()); 
//////// End of connecting to database //////// 

// Init empty previous time 
$previous_time = null; 

// Open first definition list 
    echo '<dl class="calendar-day first-child">'; 
    $q1="SELECT * FROM msg WHERE sendto = '1' || sender = '1' ORDER BY time desc"; 

$start_time = strtotime($nt1['time']); //change to string 
    $the_time = date('j m', $start_time); //select wat u need i.e day and month 

    //$the_time = $nt1['time']); //for troublshooting db 

    // Date changed 
if($the_time != $previous_time) { 
    // Unless first iteration, close previous list 
    if(!empty($previous_time)) { 
     echo '</dl>'; 
    // Open new list 
    echo '<dl class="calendar-day first-child">'; 
    // Show definition term for the group of events 
    echo '<h4>'.$nt1['time'].'</h4>'; 

// Display current event 
echo '<dd>'; 
echo $nt1['message'] .' '. $nt1['time']; 
echo '</dd>'; 

// Remember date from previous row 
$previous_time = $the_time; 
// Close last definition list 
echo '</dl>'; 



