2014-03-12 44 views

我在此處有代碼顯示水平方向的星期幾。我怎樣才能使它在水平方向上顯示在的循環中,同時也考慮到了畫布的大小? (畫布在這種情況下,大小爲600)HTML5 Canvas循環中的文本

canvasObj1 = document.getElementById('myCanvas1'); 
context = canvasObj1.getContext('2d'); 

context.fillStyle = "#5D6C7B"; 
context.font = "12px sans-serif"; 
context.fillText("Monday", 10, 225); 
context.fillText("Tuesday", 70, 225); 
context.fillText("Wednesday", 130, 225); 
context.fillText("Thursday", 210, 225); 
context.fillText("Friday", 275, 225); 
context.fillText("Saturday", 330, 225); 
context.fillText("Sunday", 400, 225); 

你是什麼意思的「在for循環」 - 動畫?請描述你需要更好的:) – markE




Online demo

// put week names in an array 
var days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 
      'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'], 
    gap = 5, // gap between the names 
    x = 0, // for drawing text 
    w = 0, // for measuring total width 
    i = 0; // generic counter 

context.fillStyle = "#5D6C7B"; 
context.font = "12px sans-serif"; 

// calc total width incl. gaps 
for (; i < days.length; i++) { 
    w += (context.measureText(days[i]).width + gap); 

// fine adjust width removing last gap and adding a couple of pixels for space 
w = w - gap + 2; 

// adjust scale 
context.scale(canvas.width/w, 1); 

// draw the texts 
for (i = 0; i < days.length; i++) { 
    context.fillText(days[i], x, 225); 
    x += (context.measureText(days[i]).width + gap); 




謝謝,完美的工作:) – coderdojo