2014-03-19 24 views

我發現了一個想法,可能能夠解決我的問題,For ... Each ...循環。但是,這比典型的循環稍微複雜一些。如何使用複雜的For ...每個...循環(或更好的方法)?


  1. 連接原始文件名,使用後綴i,從「-001」開始,每增加一個週期。

  2. 連接剛創建的新文件路徑,添加後綴i,從「-001」開始,每增加一個週期。

  3. 使用該程序在名爲Autodesk Inventor的程序中用新文件替換舊文件。

問題是,我需要第三個模塊來替換組件,然後告訴模塊一和模塊二移動到下一個我。我認爲一個for .... each ...循環可能能夠做到這一點,但我不知道如何做到這一點,因爲它將引用來自其他兩個模塊而不是它自己的模塊。有人有主意嗎?




Option Explicit 

    Public Sub OldNameiLoop() 

    Dim i As Double 
    Dim NameStr2 As String 
    Dim OldNamePath As String 

    NameStr2 = Renamer.Old_Name_Display.Text 
    OldNamePath = NameStr & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 

    Do While i < 99 
    i = i + 1 
    If 'Something Happens Here' Then 
    '3-character string created by using the Right() function 
    Next i 
    Else: Exit Sub 
    End If 

    End Sub 


Option Explicit 

    Public Function NewNameiLoop() 

    Dim i As Double 
    Dim NameStr As String 
    Dim NewNamePath As String 

    NameStr = Renamer.New_Name.Text 
    NewNamePath = Renamer.Path_Text.Text & "\" + NameStr & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 

    Do While i < 99        'Counts with the file name up to -099 
    i = i + 1 
     If 'Something happens here' Then 

     Else: Exit Function 

     End If 

    End Function 


Option Explicit 

    Public Function ReplaceComponent() 

    Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence 
    Set oOccurrence = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.OldNamePath 
    oOccurrence.Replace NewNamePath, True 

    End Function 

這裏有更多的信息: Inventor Forum


Option Explicit 
Public i As Integer 

Public Function ReplaceComponent() 

Dim NameStr As String 
Dim NewNamePath As String 

Dim NameStr2 As String 
Dim OldNamePath As String 

NameStr = Renamer.New_Name.Text 
NewNamePath = Renamer.Path_Text.Text & "\" + NameStr & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 

NameStr2 = Renamer.Old_Name_Display.Text 
OldNamePath = NameStr2 & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence 
Set oOccurrence = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.OldNamePath 
oOccurrence.Replace NewNamePath, True 

Do While i < 99 
i = i + 1 


End Function 


Set oOccurrence = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.OldNamePath 


Sub ReplaceComponent() 
    Dim NameStr As String 
    Dim NewNamePath As String 

    Dim NameStr2 As String 
    Dim OldNamePath As String 

    For i = 0 To 99 Step 1 
     NameStr = Renamer.New_Name.Text 
     NewNamePath = Renamer.Path_Text.Text & "\" + NameStr & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 

    NameStr2 = Renamer.Old_Name_Display.Text 
    OldNamePath = NameStr2 & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 

    Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence 
    For Each oOcc As ComponentOccurrence in ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences 
    If oOcc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.FullDocumentName = OldNamePath Then 
     Set oOccurrence = oOcc 
     Exit For 
    End If 
    Next oOcc 

    'Then you can replace 
    oOccurrence.Replace NewNamePath, True 
    Next i 
End Sub 


Link to Forum


原來這是我的屏幕對比度。我今天早上改了它。這裏是! :) – meer2kat


我一直在試驗,所以它會顯得有點傻。但基本上,這用於顯示文件路徑的MsgBox,以便我可以確保它正確地連接了名稱。 – meer2kat




Public i As Integer 


請務必從Sub OldNameiLoop和Function NewNameiLoop中刪除Dim i As Double



Option Explicit 

Public Function ReplaceComponent() 

Dim i as integer 'no need to declare public if you put everything in one function 
Dim NameStr As String 
Dim NewNamePath As String 

Dim NameStr2 As String 
Dim OldNamePath As String 

NameStr = Renamer.New_Name.Text 
NewNamePath = Renamer.Path_Text.Text & "\" + NameStr & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 

NameStr2 = Renamer.Old_Name_Display.Text 
OldNamePath = NameStr2 & "-" & Right("00" & i, 3) & ".ipt" 'not sure if correct, I think you need to add Renamer.Path_Text.text here just like for your NewNamePath above. 

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence 
Set oOccurrence = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.OldNamePath 
'Not sure why you get the error, but maybe because of what you I commented above for 
'OldNamePath. Otherwise post the error here as well, including the contents of OldNamePath 
'at the moment of the error. 
oOccurrence.Replace NewNamePath, True 

Do While i < 99 'This entire do while loop does nothing in your function except for adding 
i = i + 1  'up i untill it is 99. Then it just exits your function. If you want to 
       'repeat the entire process 99 times, you want to put this first line right below 
Loop   'the last Dim-line 

End Function 

這解決了在多個模塊中使用我的問題,所以這太棒了!我仍然必須讓我的newnameiloop和oldnameiloop聽那個i + 1,但是......如何做到這一點的任何想法?我只用VBA工作了幾個星期。對新手問題抱歉! – meer2kat


你不需要讓你的newnameiloop和oldnameiloop聽任何東西。在您的ReplaceComponent函數結束時,i = i + 1會增加您的公共變量1。那個公共變量然後用在你的newnameiloop和oldnameiloop中,因此已經使用增加的i(i + 1)。嘗試一下,讓我知道如果它仍然無法正常工作。 – Yoh


我嘗試將它們全部組合到一個模塊中,因爲它不斷丟失「NewNamePath」。我上面寫了我的更改以及它造成的問題。 :/ – meer2kat