2017-03-03 48 views



this question我可以看到,獲得I類可以使用

String callerClassName = new Exception().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName(); 
String calleeClassName = new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].getClassName(); 


StackTraceElement[] stElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); 




public class FakePlayerInteractEvent extends PlayerInteractEvent { 
    public FakePlayerInteractEvent(Player player, Action rightClickBlock, ItemStack itemInHand, Block clickedBlock, BlockFace blockFace) { 
     super(player, rightClickBlock, itemInHand, clickedBlock, blockFace); 


PlayerInteractEvent fakeEvent = AutomaticInventory.getInstance().new FakePlayerInteractEvent(player, Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK, player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand(), block, BlockFace.UP); 
if(!fakeEvent.isCancelled()){ ... do stuff } 

是的,有一個更好的解決方案。只要我檢查了一些事情,我會盡快發佈更多細節。 – Frelling





  1. 最低的
  2. LOW
  3. 師範大學
  4. HIGH




@EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) 
public void onEvent(Event e) { 



如果你想這樣做沒有優先級,而實際上需要確定取消插件,Comprehenix from bukkit forums have a solution for you。請記住它不建議


public class ExampleMod extends JavaPlugin implements Listener { 

private CancellationDetector<BlockPlaceEvent> detector = new CancellationDetector<BlockPlaceEvent>(BlockPlaceEvent.class); 

    public void onEnable() { 
     getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); 

     detector.addListener(new CancelListener<BlockPlaceEvent>() { 
      public void onCancelled(Plugin plugin, BlockPlaceEvent event) { 
       System.out.println(event + " cancelled by " + plugin); 

    public void onDisable() { 
     // Incredibly important! 

    // For testing 
    public void onBlockPlaceEvent(BlockPlaceEvent e) { 



事件處理程序已經設置爲'MONITOR'。問題是'我怎麼能告訴哪個班叫setCancelled',少'我怎麼知道它是否被取消' – Mitch


答案的重點在於,如果你只是想知道哪個班取消了這個活動並不是真的有必要想用它反正 – Kerooker


我想選擇性地使用它。如果插件A取消它,我想忽略取消,但是如果插件B取消它,我想服從取消 – Mitch


很好的問題!暫且讓我忽略激發 這個問題的原因。 Bukkit不會「公佈」確定事件取消源的方法。但是,您評估「 」事件的方法是正確的。

正如你已經知道或懷疑,使用堆棧跟蹤都沒有一個很好的解決方案。 生成和描述實現特定的細節可能相對昂貴,因此可能不一定保證不變。更好的方法是模仿Bukkit的事件觸發過程,當調用 callEvent()時。

儘管事件觸發過程實現不受 Bukkit API的保證,但它已穩定多年並且沒有更改 很多。這對我們的工作在過去的5年中,只需要一個小小的 重構時callEvent()分成callEvent()/fireEvent()

我希望我可以給你整個EventUtils幫手類,但我 必須修改它,由於版權問題。我確實證實這個減少的類通過了適當的單元測試。您或其他人是 可以免費使用此代碼。其評論詳細解釋了 中的操作。我應該注意到我們使用Doxygen而不是JavaDoc來生成 文檔。

public class EventUtils { 

    * @brief Determine if the given event will be cancelled. 
    * This method emulates Bukkit's SimplePluginManager.fireEvent() to evaluate whether it will 
    * be cancelled. This is preferred over using callEvent() as this method can limit the scope 
    * of evaluation to only plugins of interest. Furthermore, this method will terminate as soon 
    * as the event is cancelled to minimize any *side effects* from plugins further down the event 
    * chain (e.g. mcMMO). No evaluation will be performed for events that do not 
    * implement Cancellable. 
    * The given plugin set is interpreted as either an Allow set or a Deny set, as follows: 
    * - \c allowDeny = \c false - Allow mode. Only enabled plugins included in the given plugin 
    * set will be evaluated. 
    * - \c allowDeny = \c false - Deny mode. Only enabled plugins *not* included in the given 
    * plugin set will be evaluated. 
    * @warning Care should be taken when using this method from within a plugin's event handler for 
    * the same event or event type (e.g. "faked" events). As this may result in an unending 
    * recursion that will crash the server. To prevent this situation, the event handler should 
    * (given in order of preference): 1) restrict evaluation to a specific Allow set not including 
    * its own plugin; or, 2) add its own plugin to a Deny set. See overloaded convenience methods 
    * for more details. 
    * @param evt event under test 
    * @param plugins Allow/Deny plugin set 
    * @param allowDeny \c false - evaluate using an Allow set; or \c true - evaluate using a 
    *  Deny set. 
    * @return first plugin that cancelled given event; or \c if none found/did 

    public static Plugin willCancel(Event evt, Set<Plugin> plugins, boolean allowDeny) { 
     PluginManager piMgr = Bukkit.getPluginManager(); 

     * 1. From SimplePluginManager.callEvent(). Check thread-safety and requirements as if this 
     * were a normal event call. 
     if (evt.isAsynchronous()) { 
      if (Thread.holdsLock(piMgr)) { 
       throw new IllegalStateException(evt.getEventName() 
         + " cannot be triggered asynchronously from inside synchronized code."); 
      if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) { 
       throw new IllegalStateException(evt.getEventName() 
         + " cannot be triggered asynchronously from primary server thread."); 
      return fireUntilCancelled(evt, plugins, allowDeny); 
     else { 
      synchronized (piMgr) { 
       return fireUntilCancelled(evt, plugins, allowDeny); 


    * @brief See willCancel() for details. 
    * @note Scoped as `protected` method for unit testing without reflection. 
    * @param evt event under test 
    * @param plugins Allow/Deny plugin set 
    * @param allowDeny \c false - evaluate using an Allow set; or \c true - evaluate using a 
    *  Deny set. 
    * @return first plugin that cancelled given event; or \c if none found/did 
    protected static Plugin fireUntilCancelled(Event evt, Set<Plugin> plugins, boolean allowDeny) { 

     * 1. If event cannot be canceled, nothing will cancel it. 

     if (!(evt instanceof Cancellable)) 
      return null; 

     * 2. Iterate over the event's "baked" event handler list. 

     HandlerList handlers = evt.getHandlers(); 
     for (RegisteredListener l : handlers.getRegisteredListeners()) { 

      * A. Is associated plugin applicable? If not, move to next listener. 

      if (!ofInterest(l.getPlugin(), plugins, allowDeny)) 

      * B. Call registered plugin listener. If event is marked cancelled afterwards, return 
      * reference to canceling plugin. 

      try { 
       if (((Cancellable) evt).isCancelled()) 
        return l.getPlugin(); 
      catch (EventException e) { 

       * Can be safely ignored as it is only used to nag developer about legacy events 
       * and similar matters. 
     return null; 

    * @brief Determine whether the given plugin is of interest. 
    * This method determines whether the given plugin is of interest. A plugin is of no interest 
    * if any of the following conditions are met: 
    * - the plugin is disabled 
    * - \c allowDeny is \c false (allow) and set does not contains plugin 
    * - \c allowDeny is \c true (deny) and set contains plugin 
    * @note Scoped as `protected` method for unit testing without reflection. 
    * @param plugin plugin to evaluate 
    * @param plugins plugin allow/deny set 
    * @param allowDeny \c false validate against allow set; \c true validate against deny set 
    * @return \c true plugin is of interest; \c false otherwise 

    protected static boolean ofInterest(Plugin plugin, Set<Plugin> plugins, boolean allowDeny) { 
     if (!plugin.isEnabled()) 
      return false; 

     return allowDeny^plugins.contains(plugin); 