全部使用, 我有一個使用fsockopen來偵測Minecraft服務器的腳本。我想知道是否有方法將其轉換爲使用cURL?PHP ping使用cURL的Minecraft服務器
function pingserver($host, $port=25565, $timeout=30) {
//Set up our socket
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if (!$fp) return false;
//Send 0xFE: Server list ping
fwrite($fp, "\xFE");
//Read as much data as we can (max packet size: 241 bytes)
$d = fread($fp, 256);
//Check we've got a 0xFF Disconnect
if ($d[0] != "\xFF") return false;
//Remove the packet ident (0xFF) and the short containing the length of the string
$d = substr($d, 3);
//Decode UCS-2 string
$d = mb_convert_encoding($d, 'auto', 'UCS-2');
//Split into array
$d = explode("\xA7", $d);
//Return an associative array of values
return array(
'motd' => $d[0],
'players' => intval($d[1]),
'max_players' => intval($d[2]));
這適用於遠程服務器,我只是測試它。 – Jack 2012-04-07 21:11:04
嗯......我得到這個錯誤:'警告:fsockopen()[function.fsockopen]:無法連接到/home/user/public_html/mc.php中的xx.xx.xx.xx:25565(連接被拒絕)在線6' – 2012-04-08 03:19:36
聽起來像你要麼有某種防火牆,要麼更可能連接到一個不好的主機/端口。 – Jack 2012-04-09 20:12:27