你已經發現了-cond(解決方案) - ,但這裏有一些建議,可能使你的造型更容易的數據,並幫助您避免問題的問題,通過創建「等級排序時可能出現「變量(我已經得到了-egen- SOLN你問之下。):
*---------------------------------BEGIN EXAMPLE
inp str20 country str10 gdp year
"USA" "$100m" 1960
"USA" "$200m" 1965
"Canada" "$60m" 1960
"Canada" "$120m" 1965
"USA" "$250m" 1970
"Mexico" "$90m" 1970
"Canada" "$800m" 1970
"Mexico" "$160m" 1960
"Mexico" "$220m" 1965
"Mexico" "$350m" 1975
//1. destring gdp so that we can work with it
destring gdp, ignore("$", "m") replace
//2. Create GDP for 1960 var:
bys country: g x = gdp if year==1960
bys country: egen gdp60 = max(x)
drop x
**you could also create balanced panels to see gaps in your data**
ssc install panels
panels country year
fillin country year
li //take a look at the results win. to see how filled panel data would look
//3. create a gdp variable for each year (reshape the dataset)
drop gdp60
reshape wide gdp, i(country) j(year)
**much easier to use this format for modeling
su gdp1970
**here's a fake "outcome" or response variable to work with**
g outcome = 500+int((1000-500+1)*runiform())
anova outcome gdp1960-gdp1970 //or whatever makes sense for your situation
*---------------------------------END EXAMPLE
感謝您的詳細解答:你猜,egen系列正是我想到的。面板代碼看起來非常有用 - 我會看看這個。 – 2010-05-21 19:56:11