2017-05-24 42 views


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} 

module Test where 

import Control.Monad 
import Data.Aeson 
import Data.Kind (Constraint) 
import Data.Proxy 
import Data.Type.Equality 
import GHC.TypeLits 
import Prelude 

type family Or (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) :: Bool where 
    Or 'False 'False = 'False 
    Or 'True 'False = 'True 
    Or 'False 'True = 'True 
    Or 'True 'True = 'True 

type family IsOneOf (n :: Nat) (xs :: [Nat]) :: Bool where 
    IsOneOf n '[] = 'False 
    IsOneOf n (x ': xs) = Or (n == x) (IsOneOf n xs) 

type family Member n xs :: Constraint where 
    Member n xs = 'True ~ IsOneOf n xs 

data SomeEnum (xs :: [Nat]) where 
     SomeEnum :: (KnownNat n, Member n xs) => Proxy n -> SomeEnum xs 


λ> SomeEnum (Proxy :: Proxy 1) :: SomeEnum [1,2] 


instance ToJSON (SomeEnum xs) where 
    toJSON (SomeEnum n) = Number (fromIntegral . natVal $ n) 


我的問題是 - 是否有可能根據數據類型的當前表達式來聲明該實例?也許類型本身可以以某種方式進行調整以允許這樣的情況,同時保持被限制在特定集合Nat的行爲?



它應該是可能的,但它會很尷尬,並要求該'FromJSON'實例反映'爲了xs'到價值層面來驗證解析數是xs'的'的元素。這樣做需要能夠表達'xs'的每個元素都有'KnownNat'約束,這可以完成,但是會很尷尬。 – Carl


這可能是不可能的,因爲您試圖使用取決於JSON中的內容的類型來創建值。從理論上講,使用存在主義來說,它是*一些數字而不是任何具體數字應該避開這個問題,但我認爲你仍然需要提供一個見證,這需要依賴類型。 – Lazersmoke


@Lazersmoke SomeEnum是需要的存在。 'GHC.TypeLits'具有在運行時創建見證的必要機制,適合填充存在。 – Carl





toSomeEnum :: Integer -> SomeEnum xs 

由於SomeEnum []同構於Void,而-1沒有可轉換到 SomeEnum xs任何xs,顯然不是。我們需要的能力失效:

toSomeEnum :: Integer -> Maybe (SomeEnum xs) 

而且做任何超出const Nothing我們需要的xs的 元素將在運行時輸入的能力:

toSomeEnum' :: forall xs. ToSomeEnum xs => Integer -> Maybe (SomeEnum xs) 
toSomeEnum' n = do 
    SomeNat proxy_n <- someNatVal n 
    toSomeEnum proxy_n 

class ToSomeEnum (xs :: [Nat]) where 
    toSomeEnum :: forall (n :: Nat). KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Maybe (SomeEnum xs) 

instance ToSomeEnum '[] where 
    toSomeEnum = const Nothing 

instance (KnownNat x, ToSomeEnum xs) => ToSomeEnum (x ': xs) where 
    toSomeEnum proxy_n = case sameNat proxy_n (Proxy @x) of 
    Just Refl -> Just (SomeEnum proxy_n) -- [1] 
    Nothing -> case toSomeEnum proxy_n :: Maybe (SomeEnum xs) of 
     Nothing -> Nothing 
     Just (SomeEnum proxy_n') -> Just (SomeEnum proxy_n') -- [2] 


• Could not deduce: Or 'True (IsOneOf n xs) ~ 'True 
    arising from a use of ‘SomeEnum’ 
    from the context: x ~ n 
    bound by a pattern with constructor: 
       Refl :: forall k (a :: k). a :~: a, 
      in a case alternative 
    at [1] 
• Could not deduce: Or (GHC.TypeLits.EqNat n1 x) 'True ~ 'True 
    arising from a use of ‘SomeEnum’ 
    from the context: (KnownNat n1, Member n1 xs) 
    bound by a pattern with constructor: 
       SomeEnum :: forall (xs :: [Nat]) (n :: Nat). 
          (KnownNat n, Member n xs) => 
          Proxy n -> SomeEnum xs, 
      in a case alternative 
    at [2] 

可固定使用LAZ IER的Or定義:

type family Or (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) :: Bool where 
    Or 'True _ = 'True 
    Or _ 'True = 'True 
    Or _ _ = 'False 

沒有unsafeCoerce或類型證人需要。你的電話代碼只需要 知道它期望xs是什麼。

λ case (toSomeEnum' 1 :: Maybe (SomeEnum '[1,2,3])) of { Just _ -> "ok" ; Nothing -> "nope" } 
λ case (toSomeEnum' 4 :: Maybe (SomeEnum '[1,2,3])) of { Just _ -> "ok" ; Nothing -> "nope" } 