from collections import Counter
from nltk.corpus import brown
from nltk.util import ngrams
# Let's take the first 10000 words from the brown corpus
text = brown.words()[:10000]
# Extract the ngrams
bigrams = ngrams(text, 2)
# Alternatively, unstead of a FreqDist, you can simply use collections.Counter
freqdist = Counter(bigrams)
print len(freqdist)
# Gets the top 5 ngrams
top5 = freqdist.most_common()[:5]
print top5
# Limits v > 10
freqdist = {k:v for k,v in freqdist.iteritems() if v > 10}
print len(freqdist)
[(('of', 'the'), 95), (('.', 'The'), 76), (('in', 'the'), 59), (("''", '.'), 40), ((',', 'the'), 36)]
請張貼滿追蹤,它會告訴你究竟在哪裏引發異常。 – 2014-09-21 08:54:07