update table3 set column3=
select t2.column3+t1.column3
from table2 t2 with (nolock) join table1 t1
on table2.id=t1.id
where table2.id= 100
where id= 100;
update table3 set column3=
select t2.column3+t1.column3
from table2 t2 with (nolock) join table1 t1
on table2.id=t1.id
where table2.id IN (100,101)
where id IN (100,101);
子查詢比返回多1值。當子查詢遵循=,!=,<,< =,>,> =或當子查詢用作表達式時,這是不允許的。 該聲明已被終止。
如何更新多個ID?即。由ID 100返回的選擇查詢值應該更新爲ID 100的第三個表&類似的ID 101.
此外,我需要做這樣的總和(t2.column3) - (t1.column3 + t1 .column2)
update table3 set column3=
select sum(t2.column3)- (t1.column3 + t1.column2)
from table2 t2 with (nolock) join table1 t1
on table2.id=t1.id
where table2.id IN (100,101)
where id IN (100,101);
你是對的,我不需要內在的身份證條件。 – Sharpeye500