2013-01-07 21 views

我是JavaScript新手,想寫一個解決線性方程的簡單腳本。到目前爲止,我的腳本解決了只有「2x + 28 - 18x = 36 - 4x + 10」的正負線性方程。我希望它能夠解決包含乘法和除法的線性方程/代數問題,例如「2x * 3x = 4/2x」。用JavaScript解決線性方程和類似的代數問題





<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
<title>Problem Solver</title> 
window.onload = function() { 
    // Total Xs on each side of equation 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    var leftSideXTotal = 0; // 5 
    var rightSideXTotal = 0; // -2 

    // Total integers on each side of equation 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    var leftSideIntTotal = 0; // 2 
    var rightSideIntTotal = 0; // 10 

    // Enter a math problem to solve 
    var problem = "5x + 2 = 10 - 2x"; 

    // Remove all spaces in problem 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    problem = problem.replace(/\s/g,''); // 5x+2=10-2x 

    // Add + signs in front of all - signs 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    problem = problem.replace(/-/gi, "+-"); // 5x+2=10+-2x 

    // Split problem into left and right sides 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    var problemArray = problem.split("="); 
    var problemLeftSide = problemArray[0]; // 5x+2 
    var problemRightSide = problemArray[1]; // 10+-2x 

    // Split values on each side into an array 
    var problemLeftSideValues = problemLeftSide.split("+"); 
    var problemRightSideValues = problemRightSide.split("+"); 

    // Go through the left side values and add them up 
    for (var i = 0; i < problemLeftSideValues.length; i++) { 

     // Current value 
     var currentValue = problemLeftSideValues[i]; 
     // Length of current value 
     var currentValueLength = currentValue.length; 

     if (currentValue.charAt(currentValueLength - 1) == "x") { //Check if current value is a X value 

      // Remove X from end of current value 
      currentValue = currentValue.split("x"); 

      // Add to total Xs on left side 
      leftSideXTotal = Number(leftSideXTotal) + Number(currentValue[0]); 

     } else { 

      // Add to total integers on left side 
      leftSideIntTotal = Number(leftSideIntTotal) + Number(problemLeftSideValues[i]); 


    // Go through the right side values and add them up 
    for (var i = 0; i < problemRightSideValues.length; i++) { 

     // Current value 
     var currentValue = problemRightSideValues[i]; 
     // Length of current value 
     var currentValueLength = currentValue.length; 

     if (currentValue.charAt(currentValueLength - 1) == "x") { //Check if current value is a X value 

      // Remove X from end of current value 
      currentValue = currentValue.split("x"); 

      // Add to total Xs on right side 
      rightSideXTotal = Number(rightSideXTotal) + Number(currentValue[0]); 

     } else { 

      // Add to total integers on right side 
      rightSideIntTotal = Number(rightSideIntTotal) + Number(problemRightSideValues[i]); 


    // Compute 
    var totalXs = (leftSideXTotal - rightSideXTotal) 
    var totalIntegers = (rightSideIntTotal - leftSideIntTotal) 
    var solution = (totalIntegers/totalXs) 

    // Display solution 
    document.getElementById("divSolution").innerText = solution; 

<div id="divSolution"></div> 

這是一個非常有趣的問題。如果你縮短了標題,我想你可以吸引更多的回答者。 –


'2x * 3x = 4/2x'並不是一個真正的線性方程。 – Rikonator


編輯標題。線性方程改爲線性方程和類似的代數問題。 – user1822824





x + 3 = 3x - 2 


    / \ 
    +  - 
/\ /\ 
    x 3 * 2 
     3 x 


function tree(lterm,op,rterm) { 
    t.operator = op; 
    t.left = lterm; 
    t.right = rterm; 
    return t; 

expression = tree("x", "/", tree("x","+",3)); // x/(x+3) 

然後通過操縱樹,您可以解析公式或進行計算。爲了評估一個表達式(沒有未知數),你從終端開始穿過樹,從交叉點到交叉點向上。您可以用結果替換樹的一部分,或者用結果註釋它 - 將結果變量添加到tree對象。


  • getLeft
  • GetRight時
  • prettyPrint
  • 評估
  • 評估( 「×」,5)// X = 5,現在評估 ...

這不僅僅是線性操作可以通過這種方式「解析」。更好的解析器將有一個包含= */+的運算符列表,但也包含一元運算符: - ()sin cos ...



A2 = A1+B1 


A = not (B or C) 
C = true 







window.onload = function() { 
    // Total Xs on each side of equation 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    var leftSideXTotal = 0; // 5 
    var rightSideXTotal = 0; // -2 

    // Total integers on each side of equation 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    var leftSideIntTotal = 0; // 2 
    var rightSideIntTotal = 0; // 10 

    // Enter a math problem to solve 
    var problem = "5x + 2 = 10 - 2x"; 

    // Remove all spaces in problem 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    problem = problem.replace(/\s/g,''); // 5x+2=10-2x 

    // Add + signs in front of all - signs 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    problem = problem.replace(/-/gi, "+-"); // 5x+2=10+-2x 

    // Split problem into left and right sides 
    // Example problem: 5x + 2 = 10 - 2x 
    var problemArray = problem.split("="); 
    var problemLeftSide = problemArray[0]; // 5x+2 
    var problemRightSide = problemArray[1]; // 10+-2x 

    leftSideXTotal = getTotalX(problemLeftSide); 
    leftSideIntTotal = getTotalScalars(problemLeftSide); 

    rightSideXTotal = getTotalX(problemRightSide); 
    rightSideIntTotal = getTotalScalars(problemRightSide); 

    // Compute 
    var totalXs = (leftSideXTotal - rightSideXTotal) 
    var totalIntegers = (rightSideIntTotal - leftSideIntTotal) 
    var solution = (totalIntegers/totalXs) 

    // Display solution 
    document.getElementById("divSolution").innerText = solution; 

    // Find the total number of X in the string 
    function getTotalX(data) { 
     data = data.replace(/\s/g,''); 
     xCount = 0; 

     if(data.indexOf('x') != -1) { 
      if (data.indexOf('+') != -1) { 
       data = data.split('+'); 

       for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
        xCount += getTotalX(data[i]); 
      } else if (data.indexOf('-') != -1) { 
       data = data.split('-'); 

       // Single negative 
       if(data[0] == "") { 
        xCount -= getTotalX(data[1]); 
       } else { 
        xCount += getTotalX(data[0]); 

        for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { 
         xCount -= getTotalX(data[i]); 
      } else { 
       xCount = parseInt(data.split('x')[0]); 

     return xCount; 

    // Find the total of scalars 
    function getTotalScalars(data) { 
     data = data.replace(/\s/g,''); 
     intCount = 0; 

     if (data.indexOf('+') != -1) { 
      data = data.split('+'); 

      for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
       intCount += getTotalScalars(data[i]); 
     } else if (data.indexOf('-') != -1) { 
      data = data.split('-'); 

      // Single negative 
      if(data[0] == "") { 
       intCount -= getTotalScalars(data[1]); 
      } else { 
       intCount += getTotalScalars(data[0]); 

       for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { 
        intCount -= getTotalScalars(data[i]); 
     } else { 
      if(data.indexOf('x') == -1) { 
       intCount = parseInt(data.split('x')[0]); 
      } else { 
       intCount = 0; 

     return intCount; 