在jQuery中,element.offset()。top給出文檔頂部的固定元素當前位置。當我向下滾動時,滾動偏移量最大值時會增長。Angular 4 Scroll Element Offset Top Value
現在我需要在Angular 4中的相同行爲,但我缺少一些東西,我的偏移量最高值仍然是相同的。
selector: '[my-app]',
template: `
<h2>There is document top</h2>
<div class="fixed-box" #fixedBox>
<p>I'm fixed box</p>
<p>I wanna know my offset from the document top (not viewport) in every scroll step</p>
<p>My current position from the document top is: {{ fixedBoxOffsetTop }}px</p>
<p>My current position from the document top is: {{ fixedBoxOffsetTopOtherMethod }}px</p>
export class App implements OnInit {
fixedBoxOffsetTop: number = 0;
fixedBoxOffsetTopOtherMethod: number = 0;
@ViewChild('fixedBox') fixedBox: ElementRef;
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {}
@HostListener("window:scroll", [])
onWindowScroll() {
this.fixedBoxOffsetTop = this.fixedBox.nativeElement.offsetTop; // This value looks like init value and doesn't change during scroll
this.fixedBoxOffsetTopOtherMethod = this.fixedBox.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().top; // The same result as offsetTop
你可能想要在體內的代碼你題。這種聯繫肯定會有一天結束,這個問題就沒有意義了。 – jdv