# Please note that this only works in integer values, since there is no change in pence
notes = (1,5,10,20,50) #Value of notes
quantities = [10,8,5,5,1] #Quantities of notes
# Defining variables
notesout = []
total = 0
x = -1
payment = []
# This loop works out the total amount of cash in the cash register
while (x < 4):
x += 1
calc = notes[x]*quantities[x]
total += calc
mon_nd = 70 # Money needed
def takenotes():
print("Please input each notes value, when finished type \"stop\"")
# If input is an int then add to payment list, if not then work out the change
payment = [20,20,20,20]
def main():
# Finds the value of the cash given
paymentV = sum(payment)
changeT = paymentV - mon_nd
# Change the quantities of the 'quantities' variable
for i in payment:
quantities[notes.index(i)] = quantities[notes.index(i)] + 1
while(changeT < 0):
# Works out what amount of change should be given
for i in reversed(notes):
if (changeT - i >= 0):
quantities[notes.index(i)] = quantities[notes.index(i)]-1
changeT -= i
return True
'payment = [20,20,20,20]'不會修改全局變量,請使用'global'或更好地將值傳遞給main()函數。 – bereal
其實@imaluengo這是錯誤的。代碼審查是**工作**代碼的網站,而不是失敗的代碼。這意味着:代碼不僅必須運行,而且必須產生正確的結果,因爲這個問題對於[codereview.se]是不合理的。欲瞭解更多信息,請參閱:https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/253975/be-careful-when-recommending-code-review-to-askers?s=1|1.0000 – Vogel612
@ Vogel612哎唷!不知道,對不起。完全認爲'CodeReview'實際上是審查代碼和發現錯誤(因爲你的鏈接問題說,我是那些沒有閱讀CodeReview的幫助,但我剛剛學到一個很好的教訓)之一。謝謝!在再次推薦codereview之前,我會三思而後行! :P –