#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main()
int fd, nr, nr2, nw, nw2;
char fl_nm[]={"file_io/pwrite.txt"};
char buf_wr[]={"hello everyone this is first text\n"};
char buf_wr2[]={"Did you miss me? Don't afraid\n"};
char buf_rd[120];
char buf_rd2[120];
//open file
fd = open(fl_nm, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0777);
nw = pwrite(fd, &buf_wr, strlen(buf_wr), 14);
//error checking
if(fd == -1){
perror("[error in open]\n");
else if(nw == -1){
perror("[error in write]\n");
/*if open and write process are okey, read first write data
* from file*/
nr = read(fd, &buf_rd, sizeof(buf_rd));
//display succeeded message about first write and open process
printf("[file is opened]\n");
printf("[succeeded write(1) process]\n");
//read process error control
if(nr == -1){
perror("[error in read]\n");
} else{
printf("[reading(1) data] from %s\n", fl_nm);
printf("[%s]\n", buf_rd);
//second write process.
nw2= pwrite(fd, &buf_wr2, strlen(buf_wr2), 30);
//write error checking
if(nw2 == -1){
perror("[error in write 2]\n");
/*if write process is correct
* second read process*/
nr2 = read(fd, &buf_rd2, sizeof(buf_rd));
printf("[succeeded write(2) process]\n");
printf("[reading(2) data] from %s\n", fl_nm);
printf("[%s]\n", buf_rd2);
//close file
//error checking for close process
if(close(fd) == -1){
perror("[error in close]\n");
printf("[succeeded in close]\n");
return 0;
$ gcc pwrite.c -o pwrite
$ ./pwrite
[file is opened]
[succeeded write(1) process]
[reading(1) data] from file_io/pwrite.txt
[succeeded write(2) process]
[reading(2) data] from file_io/pwrite.txt
[error in close]
: Bad file descriptor
相反,使用一個循環打印每個字節(),'pread()','write()'和'pwrite()'返回'ssize_t',而不是'int'。 –