2009-10-27 54 views


  1. 爲了在產生ň階多項式,其中n參數:=整理+ 1
  2. 是一個整數參數,範圍爲0..n
  3. 多項式在x_j處有零,其中j = 1..n和j≠i(在這一點上應該清楚,StackOverflow需要一個新的特徵或它存在我不知道)
  4. 多項式求值es在x_i處爲1。

由於這個特定的代碼示例生成x_1 .. x_n,我將解釋它們在代碼中的含義。這些點均勻分佈在x_j = j * elementSize/order處,其中n = order + 1

我產生Func<double, double>評估這個polynomial¹。

private static Func<double, double> GeneratePsi(double elementSize, int order, int i) 
    if (order < 1) 
     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("order", "order must be greater than 0."); 

    if (i < 0) 
     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("i", "i cannot be less than zero."); 
    if (i > order) 
     throw new ArgumentException("i", "i cannot be greater than order"); 

    ParameterExpression xp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(double), "x"); 

    // generate the terms of the factored polynomial in form (x_j - x) 
    List<Expression> factors = new List<Expression>(); 
    for (int j = 0; j <= order; j++) 
     if (j == i) 

     double p = j * elementSize/order; 
     factors.Add(Expression.Subtract(Expression.Constant(p), xp)); 

    // evaluate the result at the point x_i to get scaleInv=1.0/scale. 
    double xi = i * elementSize/order; 
    double scaleInv = Enumerable.Range(0, order + 1).Aggregate(0.0, (product, j) => product * (j == i ? 1.0 : (j * elementSize/order - xi))); 

    /* generate an expression to evaluate 
    * (x_0 - x) * (x_1 - x) .. (x_n - x)/(x_i - x) 
    * obviously the term (x_i - x) is cancelled in this result, but included here to make the result clear 
    Expression expr = factors.Skip(1).Aggregate(factors[0], Expression.Multiply); 
    // multiplying by scale forces the condition f(x_i)=1 
    expr = Expression.Multiply(Expression.Constant(1.0/scaleInv), expr); 

    Expression<Func<double, double>> lambdaMethod = Expression.Lambda<Func<double, double>>(expr, xp); 
    return lambdaMethod.Compile(); 

問題:我還需要評估ψ=dψ/ DX。要做到這一點,我可以用ψ=α_n×x^n +α_n×x的形式來重寫ψ= scale×(x_0-x)(x_1-x)×..×(x_n-x)/(x_i-x) ^(n-1)+ .. +α_1×x +α_0。這給出了ψ'= n×α_n×x ^(n-1)+(n-1)×α_n×x ^(n-2)+ .. + 1×α_1。我們可以通過寫ψ'= x×(x×(x×(..) - β_2) - β_1) - β_0來改寫最終答案,不需要調用Math.Pow


  1. 展開包含ConstantExpression和​​葉和基本的數學運算(結束了要麼BinaryExpression一個因素ExpressionNodeType設置爲操作) - 這裏的結果可以包括InvocationExpression元素到MethodInfoMath.Pow,我們將在整個一個特殊的方式來處理。
  2. 然後我走衍生物相對於一些特定​​。條款中的結果,其中右手側參數的Math.Pow調用是常數2通過ConstantExpression(2)乘以什麼左側取代(的Math.Pow(x,1)調用被移除)。結果中的術語由於它們對於x的常數而變爲零,因此將被刪除。
  3. 然後分解出的在那裏它們發生如左手側參數的Math.Pow調用一些具體​​實例。當調用的右側變得與價值1一個ConstantExpression,我們只用​​本身更換調用。

¹在未來,我想方法採取​​並返回評估基於該參數的Expression。這樣我可以聚合生成的函數。我還沒有。 ²未來,我希望發佈一個用於處理LINQ表達式的通用庫作爲符號數學。


+1後,5號線將要失去我...這一定是真的一個聰明的問題;) – 2009-10-27 15:06:40


另一方面,我瞭解所有數學,對LINQ一無所知!雖然,似乎你的算法已經很成功了。祝你好運! – Cascabel 2009-10-27 15:14:45


@Jefromi:我可以生成一個表達式樹。我想要建立的是一種優雅的方式來轉化樹木,將它們當作符號數學的表達。 :) – 2009-10-27 15:23:35



我使用.NET 4中的ExpressionVisitor類型編寫了幾個符號數學特性的基礎知識。它不完美,但它看起來像是可行解決方案的基礎。

  • Symbolic是一個公共靜態類曝光方法如ExpandSimplify,和PartialDerivative
  • ExpandVisitor爲展開表達式
  • SimplifyVisitor是一個簡化表達式
  • DerivativeVisitor是一個內部輔助型的內部型輔助一個內部幫助類型,採用表達式的派生
  • ListPrintVisitor是一個那一個Expression


public static class Symbolic 
    public static Expression Expand(Expression expression) 
     return new ExpandVisitor().Visit(expression); 

    public static Expression Simplify(Expression expression) 
     return new SimplifyVisitor().Visit(expression); 

    public static Expression PartialDerivative(Expression expression, ParameterExpression parameter) 
     bool totalDerivative = false; 
     return new DerivativeVisitor(parameter, totalDerivative).Visit(expression); 

    public static string ToString(Expression expression) 
     ConstantExpression result = (ConstantExpression)new ListPrintVisitor().Visit(expression); 
     return result.Value.ToString(); 


internal class ExpandVisitor : ExpressionVisitor 
    protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node) 
     var left = Visit(node.Left); 
     var right = Visit(node.Right); 

     if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Multiply) 
      Expression[] leftNodes = GetAddedNodes(left).ToArray(); 
      Expression[] rightNodes = GetAddedNodes(right).ToArray(); 
      var result = 
       .SelectMany(x => rightNodes.Select(y => Expression.Multiply(x, y))) 
       .Aggregate((sum, term) => Expression.Add(sum, term)); 

      return result; 

     if (node.Left == left && node.Right == right) 
      return node; 

     return Expression.MakeBinary(node.NodeType, left, right, node.IsLiftedToNull, node.Method, node.Conversion); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Treats the <paramref name="node"/> as the sum (or difference) of one or more child nodes and returns the 
    /// the individual addends in the sum. 
    /// </summary> 
    private static IEnumerable<Expression> GetAddedNodes(Expression node) 
     BinaryExpression binary = node as BinaryExpression; 
     if (binary != null) 
      switch (binary.NodeType) 
      case ExpressionType.Add: 
       foreach (var n in GetAddedNodes(binary.Left)) 
        yield return n; 

       foreach (var n in GetAddedNodes(binary.Right)) 
        yield return n; 

       yield break; 

      case ExpressionType.Subtract: 
       foreach (var n in GetAddedNodes(binary.Left)) 
        yield return n; 

       foreach (var n in GetAddedNodes(binary.Right)) 
        yield return Expression.Negate(n); 

       yield break; 


     yield return node; 


internal class DerivativeVisitor : ExpressionVisitor 
    private ParameterExpression _parameter; 
    private bool _totalDerivative; 

    public DerivativeVisitor(ParameterExpression parameter, bool totalDerivative) 
     if (_totalDerivative) 
      throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     _parameter = parameter; 
     _totalDerivative = totalDerivative; 

    protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node) 
     switch (node.NodeType) 
     case ExpressionType.Add: 
     case ExpressionType.Subtract: 
      return Expression.MakeBinary(node.NodeType, Visit(node.Left), Visit(node.Right)); 

     case ExpressionType.Multiply: 
      return Expression.Add(Expression.Multiply(node.Left, Visit(node.Right)), Expression.Multiply(Visit(node.Left), node.Right)); 

     case ExpressionType.Divide: 
      return Expression.Divide(Expression.Subtract(Expression.Multiply(Visit(node.Left), node.Right), Expression.Multiply(node.Left, Visit(node.Right))), Expression.Power(node.Right, Expression.Constant(2))); 

     case ExpressionType.Power: 
      if (node.Right is ConstantExpression) 
       return Expression.Multiply(node.Right, Expression.Multiply(Visit(node.Left), Expression.Subtract(node.Right, Expression.Constant(1)))); 
      else if (node.Left is ConstantExpression) 
       return Expression.Multiply(node, MathExpressions.Log(node.Left)); 
       return Expression.Multiply(node, Expression.Add(
        Expression.Multiply(Visit(node.Left), Expression.Divide(node.Right, node.Left)), 
        Expression.Multiply(Visit(node.Right), MathExpressions.Log(node.Left)) 

      throw new NotImplementedException(); 

    protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node) 
     return MathExpressions.Zero; 

    protected override Expression VisitInvocation(InvocationExpression node) 
     MemberExpression memberExpression = node.Expression as MemberExpression; 
     if (memberExpression != null) 
      var member = memberExpression.Member; 
      if (member.DeclaringType != typeof(Math)) 
       throw new NotImplementedException(); 

      switch (member.Name) 
      case "Log": 
       return Expression.Divide(Visit(node.Expression), node.Expression); 

      case "Log10": 
       return Expression.Divide(Visit(node.Expression), Expression.Multiply(Expression.Constant(Math.Log(10)), node.Expression)); 

      case "Exp": 
      case "Sin": 
      case "Cos": 
       throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     throw new NotImplementedException(); 

    protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node) 
     if (node == _parameter) 
      return MathExpressions.One; 

     return MathExpressions.Zero; 


internal class SimplifyVisitor : ExpressionVisitor 
    protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node) 
     var left = Visit(node.Left); 
     var right = Visit(node.Right); 

     ConstantExpression leftConstant = left as ConstantExpression; 
     ConstantExpression rightConstant = right as ConstantExpression; 
     if (leftConstant != null && rightConstant != null 
      && (leftConstant.Value is double) && (rightConstant.Value is double)) 
      double leftValue = (double)leftConstant.Value; 
      double rightValue = (double)rightConstant.Value; 

      switch (node.NodeType) 
      case ExpressionType.Add: 
       return Expression.Constant(leftValue + rightValue); 
      case ExpressionType.Subtract: 
       return Expression.Constant(leftValue - rightValue); 
      case ExpressionType.Multiply: 
       return Expression.Constant(leftValue * rightValue); 
      case ExpressionType.Divide: 
       return Expression.Constant(leftValue/rightValue); 
       throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     switch (node.NodeType) 
     case ExpressionType.Add: 
      if (IsZero(left)) 
       return right; 
      if (IsZero(right)) 
       return left; 

     case ExpressionType.Subtract: 
      if (IsZero(left)) 
       return Expression.Negate(right); 
      if (IsZero(right)) 
       return left; 

     case ExpressionType.Multiply: 
      if (IsZero(left) || IsZero(right)) 
       return MathExpressions.Zero; 
      if (IsOne(left)) 
       return right; 
      if (IsOne(right)) 
       return left; 

     case ExpressionType.Divide: 
      if (IsZero(right)) 
       throw new DivideByZeroException(); 
      if (IsZero(left)) 
       return MathExpressions.Zero; 
      if (IsOne(right)) 
       return left; 

      throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     return Expression.MakeBinary(node.NodeType, left, right); 

    protected override Expression VisitUnary(UnaryExpression node) 
     var operand = Visit(node.Operand); 

     ConstantExpression operandConstant = operand as ConstantExpression; 
     if (operandConstant != null && (operandConstant.Value is double)) 
      double operandValue = (double)operandConstant.Value; 

      switch (node.NodeType) 
      case ExpressionType.Negate: 
       if (operandValue == 0.0) 
        return MathExpressions.Zero; 

       return Expression.Constant(-operandValue); 

       throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     switch (node.NodeType) 
     case ExpressionType.Negate: 
      if (operand.NodeType == ExpressionType.Negate) 
       return ((UnaryExpression)operand).Operand; 


      throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     return Expression.MakeUnary(node.NodeType, operand, node.Type); 

    private static bool IsZero(Expression expression) 
     ConstantExpression constant = expression as ConstantExpression; 
     if (constant != null) 
      if (constant.Value.Equals(0.0)) 
       return true; 

     return false; 

    private static bool IsOne(Expression expression) 
     ConstantExpression constant = expression as ConstantExpression; 
     if (constant != null) 
      if (constant.Value.Equals(1.0)) 
       return true; 

     return false; 


internal class ListPrintVisitor : ExpressionVisitor 
    protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node) 
     string op = null; 

     switch (node.NodeType) 
     case ExpressionType.Add: 
      op = "+"; 
     case ExpressionType.Subtract: 
      op = "-"; 
     case ExpressionType.Multiply: 
      op = "*"; 
     case ExpressionType.Divide: 
      op = "/"; 
      throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     var left = Visit(node.Left); 
     var right = Visit(node.Right); 
     string result = string.Format("({0} {1} {2})", op, ((ConstantExpression)left).Value, ((ConstantExpression)right).Value); 
     return Expression.Constant(result); 

    protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node) 
     if (node.Value is string) 
      return node; 

     return Expression.Constant(node.Value.ToString()); 

    protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node) 
     return Expression.Constant(node.Name); 


public void BasicSymbolicTest() 
    ParameterExpression x = Expression.Parameter(typeof(double), "x"); 
    Expression linear = Expression.Add(Expression.Constant(3.0), x); 
    Assert.AreEqual("(+ 3 x)", Symbolic.ToString(linear)); 

    Expression quadratic = Expression.Multiply(linear, Expression.Add(Expression.Constant(2.0), x)); 
    Assert.AreEqual("(* (+ 3 x) (+ 2 x))", Symbolic.ToString(quadratic)); 

    Expression expanded = Symbolic.Expand(quadratic); 
    Assert.AreEqual("(+ (+ (+ (* 3 2) (* 3 x)) (* x 2)) (* x x))", Symbolic.ToString(expanded)); 
    Assert.AreEqual("(+ (+ (+ 6 (* 3 x)) (* x 2)) (* x x))", Symbolic.ToString(Symbolic.Simplify(expanded))); 

    Expression derivative = Symbolic.PartialDerivative(expanded, x); 
    Assert.AreEqual("(+ (+ (+ (+ (* 3 0) (* 0 2)) (+ (* 3 1) (* 0 x))) (+ (* x 0) (* 1 2))) (+ (* x 1) (* 1 x)))", Symbolic.ToString(derivative)); 

    Expression simplified = Symbolic.Simplify(derivative); 
    Assert.AreEqual("(+ 5 (+ x x))", Symbolic.ToString(simplified)); 