2013-04-06 137 views

我不知道爲什麼這不會運行。我應該在工資陣列中存儲hours * payrate,然後showResults將此信息和cout它。當我運行它,我得到的錯誤是低於C++通過函數傳遞數組

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl showResults(int * const,int,double * const,double * const,double * const)" ([email protected]@[email protected]) referenced in function 
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl getEmployeeData(int * const,int,double * const,double * const,double * const)" ([email protected]@[email protected]) referenced in function `_main` 


#include <iomanip> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

void getEmployeeData(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]); 
void showResults(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]); 

int main() 
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 7; 
int empId[ARRAY_SIZE] = {565, 845, 452, 130, 789, 758, 877}; 

double hoursWorked[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds hours worked 
double payrate[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds pay rate 
double wages[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds wages 

getEmployeeData(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages); 

showResults(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages); 

    return 0; 

void getEmployeedata(int nums[],int size,double pay[],double hours[], 
double wages[]) 

//Hours worked and Pay rate 
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++) 
    cout << "Enter number of hours worked by employee number " 
     << nums[index] << ": "; 
    cin >> hours[index]; 
    cout << "\nEnter hourly pay rate "; 
    cin >> pay[index]; 
    wages[index] = hours[index] * pay[index]; 

void showResults(int nums[], int size, double pay, double hours, double wages[]) 
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++) 
    cout << "Employee Number Gross Wage " << endl 
     << nums[index] << " " << wages[index]; 



C++標準庫提供了一組豐富的[容器類型](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container)。這些可以很容易地進入和退出功能。你應該使用這些而不是舊式的數組。 – moooeeeep 2013-04-06 18:26:06




void getEmployeeData(int*, int, double*, double*, double*); 
void showResults(int*, int, double*, double*, double*); 

因爲當你傳遞數組時,你傳遞的是指向該數組的第0個索引的指針。 此外,如告知,有一個在您的代碼一個錯字,用getEmployeeData


#include <iomanip> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

void getEmployeeData(int*, int, double*, double*, double*); 
void showResults(int*, int, double*, double*, double*); 

int main() 
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 7; 
int empId[7] = {565, 845, 452, 130, 789, 758, 877}; 

double hoursWorked[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds hours worked 
double payrate[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds pay rate 
double wages[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds wages 

getEmployeeData(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages); 

showResults(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages); 

    return 0; 

void getEmployeeData(int nums[],int size,double pay[],double hours[],double wages[]) 

//Hours worked and Pay rate 
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++) 
    cout << "Enter number of hours worked by employee number " 
     << nums[index] << ": "; 
    cin >> hours[index]; 
    cout << "\nEnter hourly pay rate "; 
    cin >> pay[index]; 
    wages[index] = hours[index] * pay[index]; 

void showResults(int *nums, int size, double *pay, double *hours, double *wages) 
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++) 
    cout << "Employee Number Gross Wage " << endl 
     << nums[index] << " " << wages[index]; 



指針和我擁有它的方式有什麼區別?在我的書中,我看到它的唯一方式就像[]。 – user1807815 2013-04-06 18:35:34


除語法外沒有區別,請參閱[this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5573310/difference-between-passing-array-and-array-pointer-into-function-in-c) – tigerden 2013-04-07 18:16:19



void showResults(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]) // Declaration 
//         ↕↕  ↕↕ 
void showResults(int[], int, double , double , double[]) // Definition 



void getEmployeeData(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]) // Declaration 
/    ↕ 
void getEmployeedata(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]) // Definition 



謝謝!我一定忽略了那個 – user1807815 2013-04-06 18:24:49


更好的是,'double *'。有數組類型參數是一個方便的謊言,他們變成指針。 (OTOH參考陣列是一個不同的類型) – 2013-04-06 18:24:55


@ Ben Voigt所以,而不是double [],它應該是雙*?這是爲什麼? – user1807815 2013-04-06 18:33:18



getEmployeeData(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages); 




void showResults(int nums[], int size, double pay, double hours, double wages[]) 


void getEmployeeData(int (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], int, double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE]); 
void showResults(int (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], int, double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE]); 

void getEmployeeData(int (&nums)[ARRAY_SIZE], int size, double (&pay)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&hours)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&wages)[ARRAY_SIZE]) { 
// Function body 
void showResults(int (&nums)[ARRAY_SIZE], int size, double (&pay)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&hours)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&wages)[ARRAY_SIZE]) { 
// Function body 

現在,這個看起來很笨拙,但它確實我什麼s告訴編譯器該函數需要引用正好爲ARRAY_SIZE的元素。 (具體而言,[]的優先級高於&,因此需要使用括號告訴編譯器該參數是對數組的引用,而不是引用數組。)它還允許您使用ol'C sizeof(nums)/sizeof(nums[0])來確定數組的大小;不像讓陣列衰變成一個指針(在這種情況下,sizeof會給你無用的信息,因爲它看到numsint*而不是int[ARRAY_SIZE]),通過引用傳遞它會保留此信息。

或者,如果你可以自由地重寫代碼和編譯器支持C++ 11,你可以用std::array而不是C風格的數組。

#include <array> 
using namespace std; 

void getEmployeeData(array<int, ARRAY_SIZE>, int, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>); 
void showResults(array<int, ARRAY_SIZE>, int, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>); 

array<int, ARRAY_SIZE> empId = {565, 845, 452, 130, 789, 758, 877}; 

array<double, ARRAY_SIZE> hoursWorked; // Holds hours worked 
array<double, ARRAY_SIZE> payrate; // Holds pay rate 
array<double, ARRAY_SIZE> wages; // Holds wages 


另請注意,如果您使用其中任何一項,則實際上並不需要通過int size,因爲您可以使用sizeofstd::array.size()。儘管如此,這對全局命名空間有點污染,但我個人認爲這是一個公平的權衡,以確保只有在函數被賦予適當大小的數組時,才能編譯代碼。

