//You can edit the following file paths to change images in selection
var img1 = '<img src="images/luke.jpg">';
var img2 = '<img src="images/luke.jpg">';
var img3 = '<img src="images/luke.jpg">';
var img4 = '<img src="images/luke.jpg">';
var img5 = '<img src="images/luke.jpg">';
var img6 = '<img src="images/luke.jpg">';
var all = img1 + img2 + img3 + img4 + img5 + img6;
var speed = 0.00;
var radius = 80;
var count = 0;
function rotate()
var centerx = $(document).width()/2;
var centery = $(document).height()/2;
var num_items = $("#container > img").length;
$("#container > img").each(function(){
var angle = count * (Math.PI/180);
var newx = centerx + Math.cos(angle)*radius - $(this).width()/2;
var newy = centery + Math.sin(angle)*radius - $(this).height()/2;
count += 360/num_items + speed;
//Append elements to container
//Refresh page
//IF speed is greater than 0 - ELSE add animation to div element
function runButtonClick() {
var maxcount = 0.40;
var incdec = 0.01;
setInterval(function(){counter();}, 100);
function counter()
if (maxcount >= 0.00)
maxcount = maxcount - incdec;
speed = speed + incdec;
else if (maxcount <= 0.00)
speed = 0.00;
//Find amount of div elements and add 1
var brewees = $('#container').children().length +=1;
//get a random number
var rand = (Math.floor(Math.random()*brewees));
var ap = '20px';
var ab = '#ddd';
var ad = 1000;
//match random number corrosponding child in div
.animate({padding: ap, background : ab}, {duration:ad});
正是我需要的。謝謝! – Luke
不客氣!如果解決了您的問題,請不要忘記接受答案。 :-) – Jules