<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JavaScript form validation - checking date</title>
</head><br><body onload='document.form1.text1.focus()'>
<div class="mail">
<h2>Input a valid date [dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy format]</h2>
<form name="form1" action="#">
<li><input type='text' name='text1'/></li>
<li> </li>
<li class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onclick="validatedate(document.form1.text1)"/></li>
<li> </li>
function validatedate(inputText)
var dateformat = /^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\/\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/\-]\d{4}$/;
// Match the date format through regular expression
//Test which seperator is used '/' or '-'
var opera1 = inputText.value.split('/');
var opera2 = inputText.value.split('-');
lopera1 = opera1.length;
lopera2 = opera2.length;
// Extract the string into month, date and year
if (lopera1>1)
var pdate = inputText.value.split('/');
else if (lopera2>1)
var pdate = inputText.value.split('-');
var dd = parseInt(pdate[0]);
var mm = parseInt(pdate[1]);
var yy = parseInt(pdate[2]);
// Create list of days of a month [assume there is no leap year by default]
var ListofDays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
if (mm==1 || mm>2)
if (dd>ListofDays[mm-1])
alert('Invalid date format!');
return false;
if (mm==2)
var lyear = false;
if ((!(yy % 4) && yy % 100) || !(yy % 400))
lyear = true;
if ((lyear==false) && (dd>=29))
alert('Invalid date format!');
return false;
if ((lyear==true) && (dd>29))
alert('Invalid date format!');
return false;
alert("Invalid date format!");
return false;
li {list-style-type: none;
font-size: 16pt;
.mail {
margin: auto;
padding-top: 10px;
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width: 400px;
background : #D8F1F8;
border: 1px soild silver;
.mail h2 {
margin-left: 38px;
input {
font-size: 20pt;
input:focus, textarea:focus{
background-color: lightyellow;
input submit {
font-size: 12pt;
.rq {
color: #FF0000;
font-size: 10pt;
我建議你閱讀這篇總結,然後再回來與任何剩下的問題:http://stackoverflow.com/a/3126175/683977輸入值的 驗證/衛生是一個安全的應用程序的一個主要關鍵,所以繼續學習。 – pintxo
@Santi,謝謝你。我一定會讀一讀,並繼續學習。 –