所以把這個應用程序放在一起我已經開始在調用cstring類成員的析構函數時獲得運行時檢查失敗堆棧損壞。 我已經到了試圖通過在問題上投擲磚塊來調試這一點,但仍然沒有根源造成它。在當前時刻,cstring駐留的類什麼都不做,只是初始化它的私有字符串成員並將指向另一個類的指針設置爲NULL。將Class ptr設置爲NULL導致CString析構函數運行時檢查失敗?
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
DWORD a = 0xBABA; //just to help catch the corrupter
CStringW startat = L"\\\\anetworkshare\\fre";
CStringW lookfor = L".inf";
DirEnum myEnum(startat,lookfor);
ULONG en = a + b;
en = a - b;
return 0;
DirEnum::DirEnum(CString startingdir,CString fileFilter)
m_plogfile = NULL; //If you comment out this line corruption goes away
m_startingdir = L"";
m_extfilter = L"";
if(startingdir.GetLength() > 0)
m_startingdir = startingdir;
if(fileFilter.GetLength() > 0)
m_extfilter = fileFilter;
//following commented out to tshoot
//CLogBase& ref = ref.GetInstance();
//logBase = &ref;
//m_plogfile = new CLog(L"DirEnumerator",L"logfile.txt",logINFO);
#pragma once
//#define _ATL_CSTRING_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS // some CString constructors will be explicit
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
using namespace std;
#ifndef TYPEDEF_H
#define TYPEDEF_H
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <time.h>
//simple defines to allow the TCHAR library to be used
typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tstring;
typedef std::basic_ostream<TCHAR> tostream;
typedef std::basic_istream<TCHAR> tistream;
typedef std::basic_ostringstream<TCHAR> tostringstream;
typedef std::basic_istringstream<TCHAR> tistringstream;
typedef std::basic_ofstream<TCHAR> tofstream;
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
#define tcout std::wcout
#define tcin std::wcin
#define tcout std::cout
#define tcin std::cin;
#if defined DEBUG || defined (_DEBUG)
typedef enum LOGLVL{logERROR =0,logWARN,logINFO,logDEBUG};
//CLogBase os a singleton log class. Intent is that you can establish a reference from anywhere in the project and write to the same file
// without having locking issues or threading issues
class CLogBase
static CLogBase& GetInstance(CString logname = L"log.txt",LOGLVL lvl = logWARN);
tostringstream& GetLog(LOGLVL level);
tostringstream& GetStream(LOGLVL);
void Forceflush();
CLogBase(CString file,LOGLVL lvl);
//our outstream
tostringstream m_os;
tostringstream m_dummy;
tofstream m_filestream;
CString m_filename;
LOGLVL m_reportlvl;
//Private declarations to prevent copy constructors from being invoked; these are do nothig implimentations
CLogBase(CLogBase const&);
void operator=(CLogBase const&);
class CLog
CLog(CString component);
CLog(CString component,CString logname,LOGLVL lvl);
void Log(LOGLVL,CString message);
void CLog::Flush();
tostringstream& CLog::GetStream(LOGLVL lvl);
CString m_componentname;
CLogBase* m_logBase;
您的堆棧腐敗是一個「計算器」的這個,因爲它是在編譯的一部分? – manuell