2016-02-14 21 views


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<div class="main-content"> 
    <form id="myForm" name="myForm" class="form-basic" action="equate.php" method="POST"> 

     <div class="form-title-row"> 
      <h1>How much can ProNexis earn for you?</h1> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
       <input type="text" id="branches" name="branches" placeholder="#"> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
       <span>Close Rate</span> 
       <input type="text" id="closerate" name="closerate" placeholder="%"> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
       <span>Average ticket size</span> 
       <input type="text" id="ticketsize" name="ticketsize" placeholder="$"> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
      <button name="calculate" class="btn btn-primary">Calculate!</button> 



$branches = $_POST['branches']; 
$closerate = $_POST['closerate']; 
$ticketsize = $_POST['ticketsize']; 
$leadsperhour = 8; 

$revenue = ($branches * $leadsperhour) * $closerate * $ticketsize; 
$leadsmissed = $branches * $leadsperhour; 

$panswerrate = .92 * $leadsmissed; 

$pcloserate = $closerate * $leadsmissed; 
$prevenue = $pcloserate * $ticketsize; 

echo "Your company, on average, missed " . $leadsmissed . " leads in the past hour. "; 

echo "With Pronexis, you would have talked to " . $panswerrate . " of those leads, closed " . $pcloserate . " of them, and received $" . $prevenue . " more revenue!"; 

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學習和使用** ** AJAX給 – Blip


嘗試對我的回答 – Butterfly


謝謝所有的你的答案。工作很棒! –





<!DOCTYPE html> 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap.css"> 
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script> 
<script src="js/jquery.validate.js"></script> 
<title>Validation Test</title> 
     $(document).on('click', '.btn.btn-primary', function(e){ 
      var branches = $('#branches').val(); 
      var closerate = $('#closerate').val(); 
      var ticketsize = $('#ticketsize').val(); 
       url: 'calculate.php', 
       method : 'POST', 
       datatType: 'JSON', 
       data: { 
        branches : branches, 
        closerate : closerate, 
        ticketsize : ticketsize, 
       success: function(result){ 
        obj = JSON.parse(result); 
<div class="main-content"> 
    <form id="myForm" name="myForm" class="form-basic" action="calculate.php" method="POST"> 
     <div class="form-title-row"> 
      <h1>How much can ProNexis earn for you?</h1> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
       <input type="text" id="branches" name="branches" placeholder="#"> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
       <span>Close Rate</span> 
       <input type="text" id="closerate" name="closerate" placeholder="%"> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
       <span>Average ticket size</span> 
       <input type="text" id="ticketsize" name="ticketsize" placeholder="$"> 

     <div class="form-row"> 
      <button name="calculate" class="btn btn-primary">Calculate!</button> 


    <div id="result"> 
     <p id="result_1"></p> 
     <p id="result_2"></p> 

php腳本應該是像下面 Calculate.php:

    $branches = $_POST['branches']; 
    $closerate = $_POST['closerate']; 
    $ticketsize = $_POST['ticketsize']; 
    $leadsperhour = 8; 

    $revenue = ($branches * $leadsperhour) * $closerate * $ticketsize; 
    $leadsmissed = $branches * $leadsperhour; 

    $panswerrate = .92 * $leadsmissed; 

    $pcloserate = $closerate * $leadsmissed; 
    $prevenue = $pcloserate * $ticketsize; 

    $result['string1'] = "Your company, on average, missed " . $leadsmissed . " leads in the past hour. "; 

    $result['string2'] = "With Pronexis, you would have talked to " . $panswerrate . " of those leads, closed " . $pcloserate . " of them, and received $" . $prevenue . " more revenue!"; 

    echo json_encode($result); 

謝謝!它效果很好!它幫助瞭解整個過程以及它的工作方式。再次感謝! –


對不起,我想我按了兩次。再次感謝。 –



<div id="result"> 



    $("#myForm").submit(function(event) { 

     /* Stop form from submitting normally */ 

     /* Clear result div*/ 

     /* Get some values from elements on the page: */ 
     var values = $(this).serialize(); 

     /* Send the data using post and put the results in a div */ 
      url: "script.php", 
      type: "POST", 
      data: values, 
      success: function(data){ 
       $("#result_div").fadeIn(1000).html('Your company, on average, missed ' + data.leadsmissed + ' leads in the past hour. <br> With Pronexis, you would have talked to ' . data.panswerrate . ' of those leads, closed ' . data.pcloserate . ' of them, and received $' . data.prevenue . ' more revenue!'); 



$branches = $_POST['branches']; 
$closerate = $_POST['closerate']; 
$ticketsize = $_POST['ticketsize']; 
$leadsperhour = 8; 

$data['revenue'] = ($branches * $leadsperhour) * $closerate * $ticketsize; 
$data['leadsmissed'] = $branches * $leadsperhour; 

$data['panswerrate']= .92 * $data['leadsmissed']; 

$data['pcloserate'] = $closerate * $data['leadsmissed']; 
$data['prevenue'] = $data['pcloserate'] * $ticketsize; 

//Return the data back 
echo json_encode($data); 




謝謝!這個也工作得很好!我很欣賞故障。我知道這可能看起來像一個簡單的問題,但對我來說很困難。再次感謝! –


太棒了!將答案標記爲已通過,如果它適合你:) –