的前一個問題(r - data.table - Why is the data.table result 1 numeric value when it should be rounded to 3 decimal places?),並顯示了一個數字結果。意見建議我只使用by = cyl
結果。因此,我在這裏問一個新問題。r - data.table - 按四捨五入將多個data.table結果組成
# using dplyr
mtcars1 %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
select(disp) %>%
mutate(displace = round(disp/sum(disp), digits = 3))
# Adding missing grouping variables: `cyl`
# Source: local data frame [32 x 3]
# Groups: cyl [3]
# cyl disp displace
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 4 108.0 0.093
# 2 4 146.7 0.127
# 3 4 140.8 0.122
# 4 4 78.7 0.068
# 5 4 75.7 0.065
# 6 4 71.1 0.061
# 7 4 120.1 0.104
# 8 4 79.0 0.068
# 9 4 120.3 0.104
# 10 4 95.1 0.082
# # ... with 22 more rows
# Group cars by number of cylinders and the computed share of displacement
# using data.table
setkey(mtcars2, "cyl")
mtcars2[ , .(displace = round(disp/sum(disp), digits = 3)), by = list(cyl, disp)]
# cyl disp displace
# 1: 4 108.0 1
# 2: 4 146.7 1
# 3: 4 140.8 1
# 4: 4 78.7 1
# 5: 4 75.7 1
# 6: 4 71.1 1
# 7: 4 120.1 1
# 8: 4 79.0 1
# 9: 4 120.3 1
# 10: 4 95.1 1
# cyl disp displace
這並不在這裏工作(雖然它的工作:How to group data.table by multiple columns?)
mtcars2[ , displace = round(disp/sum(disp), digits = 3), by = list(cyl, disp)]
# Error in `[.data.table`(mtcars2, , displace = round(disp/sum(disp), digits = 3), :
# unused argument (displace = round(disp/sum(disp), digits = 3))
這沒有按」 t提供我想要的所有列(如r - data.table - Why is the data.table result 1 numeric value when it should be rounded to 3 decimal places?中所建議的):
mtcars2[ , .(displace = round(disp/sum(disp), digits = 3)), by = cyl]
'mtcars2 [(取代= round(disp/sum(disp),digits = 3),disp),by = cyl]'如果要將結果保留在'j'位置,可以將列'disp'包裝到列表中。 – Psidom
@Psidom你能評論一個答案嗎?謝謝。它非常完美! – iembry