# That class is necessary, it's explained why in Loader's class comments
class Cleaner(dict):
class Loader:
def __init__(self):
self.sprite = pyglet.resource.image(self.unzip('test.png'))
self.sprite = pyglet.resource.image(self.unzip('test2.png'))
def unzip(self, file):
zip = zipfile.ZipFile('test.zip')
file = open('.buffer', 'wb')
# without 'b' it wont work on windows
'''now the tricky part: pyglet save every file with weakref to
dont load save thing more than once, it wouldnt let to load
files from buffer so we need to block it somehow after each
file reading i do that with empty dict class (dont need to import weakref)'''
pyglet.resource._default_loader._cached_images = Cleaner()
return 'data/.buffer'