private static int[] sort(int[] input) {
//create an empty array the same size as input
int[] sorted = new int[input.length];
//create another empty array the same size as input
int[] temp = new int[input.length];
// copy input into temp
for (int i = 0; i <= (input.length - 1); i++) {
temp[i] = input[i];
//create variables to tell where to put big and small
//in the sorted array
int leftIndex = 0;
int rightIndex = sorted.length - 1;
//create variables to hold the biggest and smallest values in
//input. For now we'll give them the values of the first element
//in input, they'll change
int big = input[0];
int small = input[0];
// sort
//sort the array as you described
while (temp.length != 0) {
//find the biggest and smallest value in temp
big = findBig(temp);
small = findSmall(temp);
//place the biggest at the end of the sorted array
//and place the smallest at the beginning of the sorted array
sorted[leftIndex] = small;
sorted[rightIndex] = big;
//move the left index of the sorted array up, so we don't over write
//the element we put in on the next iteration, same for the right index to,
//but down
if(temp.length != 1){
//remove the biggest and smallest values from the temp array
temp = removeElement(temp, big);
temp = removeElement(temp, small);
//only remove one element in the event the array size is odd
//also not at this point leftIndex == rightIndex as it will be the last
temp = removeElement(temp, big);
//repeat, until the temp array is empty
// print out the content of the sorted array
for (int i = 0; i <= (sorted.length - 1); i++) {
System.out.println("Index " + i + ": " + sorted[i]);
//return the sorted array
return sorted;
//find the smallest number in an int array and return it's value
private static int findSmall(int[] input) {
int smallest = input[0];
for (int i = 0; i <= (input.length - 1); i++) {
if (smallest > input[i]) {
smallest = input[i];
return smallest;
//find the biggest value in an int array and return it's value
private static int findBig(int[] input) {
int biggest = input[0];
for (int i = 0; i <= (input.length - 1); i++) {
if (biggest < input[i]) {
biggest = input[i];
return biggest;
//remove an element from an int array, based on it's value
private static int[] removeElement(int[] input, int elementValue) {
//create a temp array of size input - 1, because there will be one less element
int[] temp = new int[input.length - 1];
//create variable to tell which index to remove, set to 0 to start
//will change unless it is right
int indexToRemove = 0;
//find out what the index of the element you want to remove is
for (int i = 0; i <= (input.length - 1); i++) {
if (input[i] == elementValue) {
//assign the value to
indexToRemove = i;
//variable that says if we've hit the index we want to remove
boolean removeFound = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= (input.length - 1); i++) {
//check if we are at the index we want to remove
if (indexToRemove == i) {
//if we are say so
removeFound = true;
//done if we aren't at the index we want to remove
if (i != indexToRemove && removeFound == false) {
//copy input to temp as normal
temp[i] = input[i];
//done if we've hit the index we want to remove
if (i != indexToRemove && removeFound == true) {
//note the -1, as we've skipped one and need the to decrement
//note input isn't decremented, as we need the value as normal
//note we skipped the element we wanted to delete
temp[i - 1] = input[i];
//return the modified array that doesn't contain the element we removed
//and it is 1 index smaller than the input array
return temp;
你有嘗試按這種方式排序的原因嗎?如果您嘗試對數組的內容進行排序,那麼製作一個相同大小的數組並在其中進行復制要簡單得多,只能沿着一個方向(最大值或最小值,取決於您想要如何排序)。 – SunKnight0
你從不對'findSmall'和'findLarge'返回的值做任何事情。 –
這是一個學校作業,措辭如下:考慮一種算法,它通過查找最小和最大元素對n個元素的數組進行排序,然後將這些元素與數組中第一個和最後一個位置中的元素進行交換。然後,在排除已在適當位置的兩個元素之後,數組的大小減少了兩個元素,並且在數組的其餘部分重複該過程,直到整個數組被排序。 –