例如,如果我的菜單是:1)文件操作2)用戶信息3)進程,那麼我希望用戶在控制檯中鍵入「scriptfile.sh文件」直接進入文件菜單。這會以某種方式分配menuNum = 1。
if [[ "$1" = "man" ]]; then man ./manpage.txt; exit; fi #argument "man" opens man page, closes main script
if [ "$1" = "debug" ]
then clear
echo -e "This area provides debug information:\n"
echo -e "There's a lot here, but it's not related to my question."
echo -e "\nPress [Enter] to continue."
if [[ "$1" = "file" ]]; then bash tsharonfp.sh < 1; exit; fi #go straight to file menu
if [[ "$1" = "user" ]]; then bash tsharonfp.sh < 2; exit; fi #go straight to user menu
if [[ "$1" = "info" ]]; then bash tsharonfp.sh < 3; exit; fi #go straight to info menu
if [[ "$1" = "fun" ]]; then bash tsharonfp.sh < 4; exit; fi #go straight to fun menu
if [[ "$1" = "process" ]]; then bash tsharonfp.sh < 5; exit; fi #go straight to proc menu
echo -e "My script title, contact info, and other stuff gets printed to screen here."
read #hitting enter clears welcome screen stuff
while : #opens while1 loop
do #while1 loop
echo -e "Main Menu\n"
echo -e "[1] File Menu\n[2] User Menu\n[3] Info Menu\n[4] Fun Menu\n[5] Process Menu\n[88] Exit\n[99] Shutdown"
echo -ne "\nEnter Choice: "
read menuNum
case $menuNum in #open mainmenu case
1) #File;; #statement isn't commented, of course, but you get the idea
2) #user;;
3) #info;;
4) #fun;;
5) #proc;;
88) exit;;
99) shutdown -h;;
*) echo "invalid input";;
esaC#closes mainmenu case
done #closes while1 loop
顯示您擁有的腳本。 – devnull
我沒有看到問題tsharonfp.sh在做什麼?如果tsharonfp.sh必須接受{1,...,5,88,99}中的參數,則應該以這種方式傳遞它[if [[「$ 1」=「file」]];然後bash tsharonfp.sh 1;出口; fi' not with'tsharonfp.sh <1;' –
1.您不需要在'[['中僅引用'['(即使這些值已經嵌入空格)'內部引用變量。你只需要在嵌入空格時引用文字。 2.你可以考慮'然後exec bash tsharonfp.sh「$ 1」fi「。使用'exec'意味着不需要'exit'(除非'exec'失敗)。 3.最好模塊化你的腳本。 – cdarke